Welp, got some good news/bad news.
Good News is I'm back at work after 10 months on the sidelines, the bad news is I won't be able to spend near as much time on this thread or watching the markets/charts.
The other good news is I've already learned so much these past 10 months and grown my IRA considerably and will be able to keep that going forward.
I work a 14/14 rotation so I'll still be able to follow the markets full time on my days off but since I can't always be on my phone or computer while at work I'm going to really dial back my positions to roughly half cash and half long and MA stocks/covered calls.
The hope is to keep getting better at trading to evnetually be able to do that full time, but this is good for now to help me have some capital to trade and insurance and peace of mind that come with the job. I'm going to keep following while I can at work but when you have nearly 500 posts to catch up on it can be a bit much.

I know I'm not a big contributor or commenter here but I just wanted to say thanks again to OA, McInnis, Ranger, FJ43, $30,000, Irish, Prog, and others I'm sure I missed.
Good luck and happy trading Ags!