Just catching up... I just come here for the fine wine discussions and somehow get the age old debate again popping up... go read page 1 of this thread for the same debate. All I can say is that this thread is not the place for 99% of investors out there. I could talk about what I've learned here for hours and hours so I can't do justice to it all in a post.
IMO about 90% of folks have no idea of how markets work. Most of the remainder vary from river boat gambler day traders to buy and hold forevers. There is however about 1% of retail who can absolute destroy the indexes over long periods of time because of having knowledge, discipline, patience, etc across the spectrum of any trading timescale. The big mutual funds know all this but are limited by big numbers. They have to gradually scale in and out of positions. We as retail can fully load on dips and fully unload on bubbles without even being noticed. We want to be that 1% calculated assassins.
Anyways, my personal style is active investing most similar to the CAN SLIM method that is proven over decades. I have never made a day trade in my life. Go read page 1 of the longer term thread if you're skeptical. I researched the hell out of every one of those companies before making large investments. Now go look at the returns of every single one this year. They were all carefully calculated and bought for a reason. I take offense to anyone telling me it was all 'luck' this year, and I'm sure many others feel the same. I worked my ass off to pick those stocks and time my entries. I often follow really smart people like OA and many others, but I never blindly buy their recs. I put in the time, and I took the risk. 99% aren't willing to do either.
The skeptics speak in facts. They really do. For example, the external forces out of your control comment. Absolutely true and is why I don't invest in energy, metals, or banks. Commodity prices and interest rates driving share price?!? No thanks! Penny stocks?!? Are you crazy? It's all part of the risk assessment.
I have been reading this thread daily (and a lot of other sources as well) religiously for about 4 years or so. It took me a year before I started buying individual companies about 3 years ago. 2018 was a hard year mentally with lots of ups and downs, and I think I was flattish overall while learning the mechanics of things. Last year was really good. This year has been ridiculous, and I haven't traded much at all. These returns are not sustainable, but they don't have to be. It's all about protecting unsustainable gains when they come. There are a lot of bitter people out there this year that I see a lot on Twitter. Please don't let the Twitter mentality make it's way here.
That being said, I wish everyone the best in the their investing. I'm sure all of us can agree on that! You do you, and I'll do me. Nobody is the same in that regards. Lots to learn all around... I just keep soaking it all in

BTHO Auburn!
If this post is on the B&I forum, lighten up it's just money!
Disclaimer: I'm not that smart.