So I don't have much to add on the forum/thread topic except I won't be joining any other communication means. I read this thread and trusted Fin Twitters daily, and I only post here. That won't change. If the fast paced day trader types want to pull that banter into a different forum, I'm indifferent. I'm cool with filtering through it all too but can admit that I've been less motivated to keep up lately. I'm also working a full time job with a full time working spouse and have two young children, one of which is full time virtual school so that's just where I'm at right now and don't mind if you people with more free time have at it like gangbusters haha.
If it becomes too hard to keep up, I'll just start posting on the other thread for swing and longer term trades. That's my jam anyways since my style is pretty different from a lot of what this has become. For me at any given time I have a max bandwidth:
- 2-3 mass accumulation stocks with shares and selling calls/puts
- 1-2 swing trades to aid in funding that mass accumulation of other stocks
- 1-2 options plays for fun since the casinos are closed
- 8-10 super long holds
I do think this is a good challenge for the Texags brain trust. This site has gone exponential in the past 20 years but needs to continue to evolve to sustain the growth. I'm sure they can come up with a solution. Brandon, if you're reading this, get your best and brightest dorks on this ASAP!

fwiw I'd pay quite a bit extra a month for a separate forum to keep things clean. Brandon, if you're listening, I'm talking multiples what I currently pay for premium. I'm sure others would as well. I'm torn though because I learned here for free and don't really want that to change for others.
If this post is on the B&I forum, lighten up it's just money!
Disclaimer: I'm not that smart.