Stock Markets

26,839,626 Views | 238554 Replies | Last: 17 min ago by rednecked
$30,000 Millionaire
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decent day today. TSLA kept faking me out.

Philip J Fry
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Took my profits off PROG. Thinking about doing the same with DNN soon.

One of these days, I'll learn the difference between limit and stop on quote. But not today. Accidental took my DNN "profits" too.
Chef Elko
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Letting it ride with PROG
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We're at the top of resistance pivot on S&P. Need clear breakthrough to upside to signal the bottom is in. Clear reversal and things open up again to the downside.
Peter Klaven
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Same, I'll sell when it hits $5!
Sully Dog
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NRD09 said:

NRD09 said:

They're working pretty hard to keep sofi under 19.5 today... more weeklies may be in order

These are working out nicely. Bought $20 calls for .32 and they're a buck now
This is an accumulation stock for me
Deplorable Neanderthal Clinger
Charismatic Megafauna
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Philip J Fry said:

Ags2013 said:

Philip J Fry said:

Aggie118 said:

Philip J Fry said:

DNN looking to push through 1.79. If it does, are we going to the moon?

What's your target to get out of $DNN?

Bag holding since 2.16. So at least that.
Wait, what? It hasn't hit $2.16 in a real real long time.

Guess I'm just that lucky, but that's what my E*TRADE Account says.

Maybe sold 2.5 puts for .34 when it was guaranteed free money?
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NRD09 said:

BREwmaster said:

DIS trade...
trade the channel it's in now. look at an hourly chart and it's down near the bottom of this channel going back to Sept 21st.

calls: Nov 19 180C's were trading around 1.8 I think.
or go verticals like me

I got a couple oct 29 175/180s filled at .75
here's our channel... a beauty so far: The bottom is around 169 and the top is roughly 179.

Charismatic Megafauna
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If it can continue to gain an average of a buck a day my last $20 weekly that i got for .33 will cash out friday at $4+, my 22 weeklies i bought today for .23 will cash out at $2+, my aapl spread will go max profit, I'll start dreaming about trading for a living, get too far over my skis again and end up getting my ass handed to me, again

Feeling especially smart that i revisited my prog sell order to go net free at 2.99, and she was kind enough to fill them for me. Stress free bagholding from here on out
Charismatic Megafauna
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Looks like more than a few people are playing this one with us!
Brian Earl Spilner
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Man am I glad with my big bet on ROKU. It was easy money at $300.
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I sold 11/19 2Cs against my shares to lock in profit. I was pretty proud of myself selling these for 1.00 when the stock price was $2.67. Less proud with the stock price over $3.00 AHs. If it continues to run, I'll let the shares go. Still a good return with an average share price of $1.48. I doubt it can maintain this crazy volume and think it returns to $2 before next months exp.
Charismatic Megafauna
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But what if it squeezes to $6 or $8 before then?
Dan Scott
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Aren't these supposed to start seriously moving with Bitcoin back above 60K. I get they all bullcrap but that didn't stop them before. Is MARA the only legitmiate miner out there?
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NRD09 said:

But what if it squeezes to $6 or $8 before then?
I'll be happy for everyone who makes money. I'm content with a double (bought these shares October 4th). Maybe I'll buy a few 11/19 5Cs, just in case .
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Anyone wanna chart CCS? Looks like it found a bottom and may be ready to fly? Also ACB….another cannabis play? Looks like could be good. Would appreciate the insights….

Curious for your thoughts…
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Dan Scott said:


Aren't these supposed to start seriously moving with Bitcoin back above 60K. I get they all bullcrap but that didn't stop them before. Is MARA the only legitmiate miner out there?
yes (imo) to the last question. The other bitcoin play is MSTR, but it's already run a ton with bitcoin. Although if you think bitcoin goes to 70k+, MSTR and MARA will run more. the Chinese seem happy to beat down their miners to no end, no idea when they let them run.
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Interesting article in the Daily Mail, claiming we may already be in a recession.
McInnis 03
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One of the bitcoin futures etfs that comes out tomorrow....


***If this post is on Business and Investing, take it with a grain of salt. I am wrong way more than I am right (but I am less wrong than I used to be) and if you follow me you will be too.***

B&I Key:
ETH - Extended Trading Hours --- RTH - Regular Trading Hours
ORH - Opening Range (1st 30min) High --- ORL - Opening Range Low
R1, R2, R3 - Resistance 1, 2, or 3 --- S1, S2, S3 - Support 1, 2 or 3
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Dan Scott said:


Aren't these supposed to start seriously moving with Bitcoin back above 60K. I get they all bullcrap but that didn't stop them before. Is MARA the only legitmiate miner out there?
God I'd be so happy if I could unload my DPW at my average price of 4.80. Went too heavy initially so I haven't averaged down like I'd consider normally.
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redneckag said:

Interesting article in the Daily Mail, claiming we may already be in a recession.
We are seeing the very beginning of what will be worse than a recession. Unemployment is going to increase, and inflation is only going to get worse. We are entering a period of stagflation and combined with the fed removing the stimulus, it's not good for the economy or stocks. No one knows the day, but the reckoning is close. My advice is to trade the wave, but be mentally prepared to liquidate because cash will be a favorable position. The dumbasses running the government don't have a ****ing clue or concern about the tempest they are fueling. Selling positions at a loss when it starts beats the hell out of riding positions down because you don't want to book a loss. Everyone needs to ask themselves, as well as their spouses, if you're ready to do that.
$30,000 Millionaire
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I am going to say this again:

The market has left some decent sized gaps below that are not filled yet and there is a volume divergence. We are also a long way from the 8 and 21 EMAs.

It may keep going up or consolidate to letting moving averages catch up. It could also roll over. Tread lightly. Obviously, I will have no bearish view above 4549.
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Anyone looking at earnings plays this week?

I'm looking at NFLX Tues AH and TSLA Wed AH. Bear bias on both.
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Missed all yalls fun today.
Wealth gained hastily will dwindle. but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.
Proverbs 13:11

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Mr. Johnsongrass
If you haven't started chasing the wife around the house yet have you heard anything about the group of ranchers who supposedly raised 300 million to start their own processing plant? Wondering what kind of impact this could have on the major processors if true? You seemed pretty well tied into that realm
I think it was McInnis who I saw on the Twitter world bring it up
Bob Knights Paper Hands
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If that's your expectation then where are you planning to put money? Risk losing value to inflation by going all cash? Real estate and hope there's not a bubble? Metals? Load it all into SAVA shares and set an alert for $200?
Bob Knights Paper Hands
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I picked the wrong couple of weeks to get busy and miss the TSLA fun. Holy wow!
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I had this very convo with a friend last week. He said the higher probability is deflation. He went on to talk about the velocity of money at which point my brain glazed over and I nodded.

Either way, it's bad. Can't decide if I should be greedy while everyone has fear or vice versa. I've made only one or two trades all month. Too nervous about what to do.
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Tomas Hermensa said:

If that's your expectation then where are you planning to put money? Risk losing value to inflation by going all cash? Real estate and hope there's not a bubble? Metals? Load it all into SAVA shares and set an alert for $200?
IMO, the market will be one of the only places to grow your wealth and stay ahead of inflation. The market is also liquid, you don't have to go the closing like you do for real estate. This works to your advantage for capitalizing on opportunities. For myself, my plan is to look for opportunities that fit my criteria and get in and out, with the exception of $TTD because that's my plant and forget stock. If we enter a prolonged period of stagflation, which I believe we will, pick your entry and exit prices. Growing your accounts, especially in IRAs, via hitting singles is the approach I'll be using.
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I read the comments, apparently this was from the WSB reddit clan. They think the mother of all short squeezes is coming, GME leading the way, AMC 2nd to it. Crazy stuff!
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FJ43 said:

Missed all yalls fun today.
You're corporate now with your pressed suits and clean shaven ass, but you miss us. You're like the heartbroken John Cusak holding the boom box over his head.

No worries, we miss you too and you know where we're at.
Farmer @ Johnsongrass, TX
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cptthunder said:

Mr. Johnsongrass
If you haven't started chasing the wife around the house yet have you heard anything about the group of ranchers who supposedly raised 300 million to start their own processing plant? Wondering what kind of impact this could have on the major processors if true? You seemed pretty well tied into that realm
I think it was McInnis who I saw on the Twitter world bring it up
Had a 70 degree day today and tomorrow. Pleasant surprise. I thought 70's were over. Freeze on Thursday and Friday. Away from my screen doing outside stuff.

Wall of words.

Yes. I heard about this. USDA is appropriating funds for many to start small processing and butcher shops as well as this $300 million venture. I forget the amount of USDA funding but it's large - in billions. I don't have an answer to solve this problem about the disparity in margin between the cattlemen and the packer. And, I certainly don't believe in Govt control or more laws/rules. My take on the packer/mini butcher/meat shops, USDA thinks this will help resolve the margin issue and keep cattlemen viable, increased competition. These are taxpayer dollars being thrown at the problem. The small butcher shops that spring up in rural areas are not good supply options for the demand centers of large cities. Scale is too small and trying to get a small shop's meat into a Walmart, forget it. City folk don't want to drive 20 miles to the country to find a small meat shop to save $20 when they spend $20 to find the place. It's a quaint trip into the hinterlands, but not something the city folk want to do with the same regularity as their trips to the grocery store nearby. City folk aren't going to buy a small freezer and pack away beef. USDA tried a similar type of program in the mid to late 70's - get small butcher shops started. I had acquaintances and relatives get in the small butcher shop business until USDA Meat Inspection shut most of them down. Since I don't have an answer and I'm not crazy about the current USDA proposal, I'm not sure what the true answer is. I do want these ranchers to survive. If the packer wants to crush a small guy shop, they can. If these guys hold out and hold tight, they could establish themselves in the IGA's (Independent Grocer's Assn of the U.S.) but it's very tough to succeed. Try to get into Walmart, nope. The rigid requirements Walmart puts on suppliers, I'm afraid small start up's cannot meet those standards, unless they can cut a deal at a Regional level. You can buy Slovacek's Sausage in a Central TX Walmart, but not here on the Plains; hence, a Regional deal. -(In the company I worked for, Walmart never showed me a Regional deal. It was National or nothing. That's a whole other story.)- It will take more than passion and love of the outdoor farm & ranch lifestyle to be successful in the meat business. It may have been cheaper for these guys to buy an existing operation versus green/brown fielding. There is another approach too, but it's ballzy as heck. Most large packers have gone away from owning feedyards (their raw material supply) and that risk is handled by independent feedyards. These feedyard guys could put the packer in a squeeze and cut off the supply once supply agreements expire, but the feedyard better have a place to process the cattle if they're going to cut a packer off from supply from getting a bluff called. That is an ultimate move to increase the margin as a cattle producer, but it's risky as hell and they all know it. Feedyards could lose their business overnite.

In the 90's, the old Shamrock processing facility south of Los Angeles was saved by a few ranchers. It was either sell your cows to one or two bids in the cattle market and go broke or find another path. These guys bought the packing house and started their own brand "All Natural". This was the first "All Natural", no antibiotics or hormones, beef produce in the U.S. It was uphill all the way for these guys but they did achieve success...until the labeling of "All Natural" got *******ized by the meat industry. These small guys fought for standards to be initiated by USDA and FDA for "All Natural" and save the brand, but FDA wouldn't touch it and USDA drug their feet. That's why "All Natural" brand got diluted for a long time and the marketing aspect lost luster when the "ideals" started getting spun/spin by the large packers. .... Did I mention earlier that a large packer can crush a small packer?.... Large packers were not going to be denied a slice of a premium market space regardless of who pioneered it. Large packers will either take the space or dilute the crap out of it as they have nothing to lose. The Large Packers weren't getting any of the premium price in the first place, so destroy that market and kill off your competition(ranchers). It's kind of like the battle Elon Musk faced going up against Detroit.

I do hope the cattlemen succeed. It is beyond time. Usually, success can breed other problems in a cooperative type business of farmers and ranchers. However, I do hope they can pull it off. I can tell you this much, the Large Packers will be watching these guys like a hawk.
$30,000 Millionaire
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Almost time for le short on $AFRM
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$30,000 Millionaire said:

Almost time for le short on $AFRM
You looking at shorting $NET too?
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