Thanks for sharing. I watched it the other day and had a few reactions (small spoiler alert):
1) This was an engaging and entertaining watch - I was more into it than pro golf broadcasts (which I haven't been bothering with lately).
2) The only annoying part to me was the homeowner with his kid out there. Idk if that was a plant for the vid or what, but it was cringey. The rest of the members seemed pretty lowkey, cool and supportive of Bryson and his crew.
3) Although he tied it, he very well could have smashed it by 2-3 more strokes. Its yet another testament to how good the top players in the world are, in that they can just roll out of bed, go to a course when its in normal conditions, and set a record that may have been standing for years.
4) Hackberry looks like a fun course/layout. As I was watching I was trying to get glimpses of it and think about how I'd hit shots. It doesn't just seem like a monotonous, neighborhood course.