Oh I'm still a crazy lib compared to this boardSea Speed said:
I'm just giving you hell i couldnt be any more opposite than the current punk counter culture scene.
Oh I'm still a crazy lib compared to this boardSea Speed said:
I'm just giving you hell i couldnt be any more opposite than the current punk counter culture scene.
How do we know he didn't have a phone? The lawyer said this morning that they don't know where that phone is, and that BL def purchased another one through ATT on 9/4GrapevineAg said:Just playing devil's advocate here... he could claim that since he didn't have a phone, and since pay phones hardly exist, he couldn't contact them. I mean, he could borrow a phone somewhere, or hit an internet cafe to email them, or whatever, but it's plausible he just drove for a couple days figuring he'd see them soon enough.xhippieliberalx said:
Even when you're in a van that doesn't belong to you, and coming back to the home you shared with her and your parents? You wouldn't have given your parents a heads up even?
Traditional Muslim woman/grad student with stage fright ends up joining a Muslim punk rock bandxhippieliberalx said:I have not...what's the gist?Buzzy said:
Have you watched We Are Lady Parts on Peacock?
dallasiteinsa02 said:I agree. If I was the FBI, I am upping the reward money. If he is hiding out with someone, let them turn on him. Heck, you are already spending a fortune on the search. As for the parents, I would charge them with obstruction of justice or something. They are retired. The threat of completely wiping them out financially may get them to give the true details of the 20 days.larry culpepper said:I just wonder what options they have. It sounds like the parents were accessories to the murder, and likely obstructed justice by helping their son flee. I wouldn't want to give them immunity just to get them to talk, especially if they likely dont know where Brian is.dallasiteinsa02 said:
It is time for them to start putting the screws on the parents. Yes, they can hide behind their attorney but if they helped him in any way it is going to impact them quickly.
I want that whole family locked up, honestly
gotsand said:'Talk to our lawyer.' seems to be working for them thus far. But, that's a good story absent Brian squealing or other evidence surfacing.Guitarsoup said:
I'm sure the parents have some idea of his plans.
I also bet their story will be along this outline:
- Brian came home without Gabby and told us that she had left him.
- Brian said he was very hurt that Gabby broke up with him and wanted to camp to clear his head and process things.
- We dropped him off so he could camp and hike, but at that point did not know that Gabby was missing.
- Whoever Gabby was with after she broke up with Brian probably killed her.
- We went to the place and time we had planned to meet with him on Sept 14th, but he didn't show up and has been missing ever since.
- We miss our son and want him back safely.
- We hope the police and FBI find the real killers of Gabby, but Brian didn't do it.
That's why I bolded the first sentence and specified "that part".xhippieliberalx said:Even when you're in a van that doesn't belong to you, and coming back to the home you shared with her and your parents? You wouldn't have given your parents a heads up even?Claude! said:I could do that part no problem.xhippieliberalx said:That's my point. How does someone travel all the way across the country by themselves without talking to someone they love about a major breakup with the person they were supposed to marry? And on top of that, take the ex-partner's van like she would have been ok with that.Guitarsoup said:We haven't seen anything suggesting he contacted anyone after he killed Gabby other than driving home.xhippieliberalx said:He drove for hours/days in a van that wasn't his. Which means he had ample time to alert his parents, her parents, or any number of friends, about the fact that they broke up and she stayed behind with a complete stranger, and no means of transportation home. Whatever story he may have given them upon his arrival home, they had to have known it was weird that he was alone in her van.Guitarsoup said:
I'm sure the parents have some idea of his plans.
I also bet their story will be along this outline:
- Brian came home without Gabby and told us that she had left him.
- Brian said he was very hurt that Gabby broke up with him and wanted to camp to clear his head and process things.
- We dropped him off so he could camp and hike, but at that point did not know that Gabby was missing.
- Whoever Gabby was with after she broke up with Brian probably killed her.
- We went to the place and time we had planned to meet with him on Sept 14th, but he didn't show up and has been missing ever since.
- We miss our son and want him back safely.
- We hope the police and FBI find the real killers of Gabby, but Brian didn't do it.
I'm not suggesting this is what happened. I am suggesting this would be their story so they don't get hit with Aiding/Abetting.
Stat Monitor Repairman said:
I'm still 50/50 on this case.
Is there any direct evidence that he killed her?
If so, what is that evidence?
Lex said:
Anyone find it weird 4 people have now been found dead along the places Brian and Gabby were at? I know it's been stated by news outlets they are not connected I just find that wild! All in August too?
The 4 being; The Moab murders, Gabby and the missing hiker who has now been found deceased. Nothing has been said yet whether he was murdered which I mean it's totally possible. I just think it's crazy and sad and eye opening what can happen out there… people go to have fun, camp, explore and then meet there demise... And these people could have all ran into either Gabby and/or Brian at one point... I mean small chance… but still. Or was someone hunting people down and started with the Moab girls, then followed Gabby and Brian, and then came across the hiker? Small chance if that to but honestly the possibilities are endless.
I saw that. Hey, great job handling possible evidence with your bare hands.Sea Speed said:
He came out and said it wasn't him iirc. He did find a monster energy can that he seems to think is evidence.
Dog the bounty hunter finds abandoned makeshift campsite on island where he's searching for Brian Laundrie; finds can of Monster energy drink at site. Instead of treating it like potential evidence, they hold it with bare hands and publish photo. pic.twitter.com/oTsbzg8BAc
— Kim Zetter (@KimZetter) October 1, 2021
Seabreeze said:
I drank a Monster this morning
look at me look at me look at meSeabreeze said:
I drank a Monster this morning
What have we got though?Guitarsoup said:Stat Monitor Repairman said:
I'm still 50/50 on this case.
Is there any direct evidence that he killed her?
If so, what is that evidence?
Stat Monitor Repairman said:What have we got though?Guitarsoup said:Stat Monitor Repairman said:
I'm still 50/50 on this case.
Is there any direct evidence that he killed her?
If so, what is that evidence?
Whats the #1 piece of evidence that he caused her death? What did I miss? I missed a couple pages and I figured nothing was happening other than looking for the dude. And having Dog involved
I agree with you on this.Lex said:
Anyone find it weird 4 people have now been found dead along the places Brian and Gabby were at? I know it's been stated by news outlets they are not connected I just find that wild! All in August too?
The 4 being; The Moab murders, Gabby and the missing hiker who has now been found deceased. Nothing has been said yet whether he was murdered which I mean it's totally possible. I just think it's crazy and sad and eye opening what can happen out there… people go to have fun, camp, explore and then meet there demise... And these people could have all ran into either Gabby and/or Brian at one point... I mean small chance… but still. Or was someone hunting people down and started with the Moab girls, then followed Gabby and Brian, and then came across the hiker? Small chance if that to but honestly the possibilities are endless.
What about Gabby's BBQ?Stat Monitor Repairman said:
Trying to think of a Gabby that hasn't been a ton of drama and BSC.
No correlation to this case for sure, but just a general observation on life.
Harry Lime said:What about Gabby's BBQ?Stat Monitor Repairman said:
Trying to think of a Gabby that hasn't been a ton of drama and BSC.
No correlation to this case for sure, but just a general observation on life.
aglaohfour said:
I mean, I know you must be trolling, but okay. The public isn't aware of any physical evidence. I don't believe the cause of death has even been disclosed? The FBI is being pretty tight lipped in general.
But. Last I checked, over half of female murder victims are killed by their partner. So statistically it's more likely than not that it was him. Occam's razor, etc etc. Add into the equation that no one has come forward to say that they witnessed or have any knowledge of Gabby being with anyone else on that trip. And finally, his behavior after the fact points to nothing other than the fact that he's guilty. There is no other plausible explanation that I've heard for him to go off the grid.