In all seriousness...
A) This looks awesome. A24 + Alex Garland going big-budget IMAX has all the makings of something memorable/audacious at the very least.
B) As a resident of California who's from and still spends a ton of time in Texas, I can assure you the two states have way more in common than those whose perception of California is shaped only via Disneyland and Fox News might think. Both have massive Hispanic populations, both have huge swaths of rural, gun-owning farmers and ranchers, both feature big tech sectors (complete with tech bro culture, at least in Austin), and personally, I've met more people from Texas out here than from any other state. Yes, politically, they couldn't be any farther apart, but outside of the Hollywood bubble, culturally, they honestly don't feel all that different (and heck, even Dallas/Austin can be just as pretentious as Hollywood at times).