Joker: Folie a Deux
October 4, 2024
The world is a stage. Trailer April 9. #JokerMovie
— Joker Movie (@jokermovie) April 2, 2024

The world is a stage. Trailer April 9. #JokerMovie
— Joker Movie (@jokermovie) April 2, 2024
Joker: Folie à Deux October 4, 2024. Repost: Todd Phillips "Cheek to Cheek. 10.4.24"
— Joker Movie (@jokermovie) August 4, 2022
Repost Instagram @/ToddPhillips: Day 1. Our boy. #joker
— Joker Movie (@jokermovie) December 12, 2022
Folie à Deux 🃏
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) February 15, 2023
That’s a wrap! #JokerFolieADeux
— DC (@DCOfficial) April 5, 2023
Repost from Todd Phillips: Wishing everyone a happy holiday and a beautiful new year. Oct 2024 #Joker2
— Joker Movie (@jokermovie) January 3, 2024
Repost from Todd Phillips: Hoping your day is full of love. 10.4.24
— Joker Movie (@jokermovie) February 15, 2024
VP at Pierce and Pierce said:
In the first one, change the name of the film to Arthur and remove the face paint and the movie makes $10 million is thought to be movie about some whack job going nowhere. Hopefully the second one is better but I guess we will see.
I still maintain that Joker was the best and most gritty and realistic hero/villain origin story I have ever seen. I really hope Lady Gaga can somehow pull her weight...slightly worried about her trying to "over act", but we will see. JP's performance in Joker was nothing short of amazing. Dude's one of the greatest actors to ever live in my book.TCTTS said:
A reminder that this movie...
- Is a sequel to 2019's Joker, which made $1.07B worldwide.
- Isn't part of the old DCEU.
- Isn't part of the new DCU.
- Isn't part of Matt Reeves'/Robert Pattinson's The Batman Saga.
- Is set in its own, contained universe, which now falls under the "DC Elseworlds" label.
- Is DC's only 2024 movie, releasing between "eras," before the DCU kicks off in 2025 with James Gunn's Superman.
Take away Batman's costume and just make a movie about a meathead going around kicking criminal ass and call it "Tough Guy", and I bet it flops.VP at Pierce and Pierce said:
In the first one, change the name of the film to Arthur and remove the face paint and the movie makes $10 million is thought to be movie about some whack job going nowhere. Hopefully the second one is better but I guess we will see.
AgTrip said:
The Joker is a criminal insane genius. This guy is anything but that. This guy is an idiot. Sure he's crazy but he's no leader or mastermind. You saw this at the end with everyone running around rioting. He was clueless. He's a loser with a giggling disease.
The Joker from the comics, Jack Napier is a fearless criminal genius and a chemist. He is extremely clever and intelligent. He can read people like a book and understands what motivates them.
Joaquin Phoenix's Arthur Fleck was a mentally unstable lunatic who just sought chaos. He had no leadership of any type with the mob or gang as we see from the Joker in the comics. The Joker movie was lame. The Joker from the Gotham tv series was better than this movie.
TCTTS said:AgTrip said:
The Joker is a criminal insane genius. This guy is anything but that. This guy is an idiot. Sure he's crazy but he's no leader or mastermind. You saw this at the end with everyone running around rioting. He was clueless. He's a loser with a giggling disease.
The Joker from the comics, Jack Napier is a fearless criminal genius and a chemist. He is extremely clever and intelligent. He can read people like a book and understands what motivates them.
Joaquin Phoenix's Arthur Fleck was a mentally unstable lunatic who just sought chaos. He had no leadership of any type with the mob or gang as we see from the Joker in the comics. The Joker movie was lame. The Joker from the Gotham tv series was better than this movie.
I wasn't a huge fan of the first movie either, I hear you, and you're not wrong. But we also haven't seen the full story yet. He literally didn't even become "the Joker" until the final act, if not the final scene of the first movie, so there's no reason that this iteration can't still become everything you're describing.
Either way, this Phoenix iteration was never meant to be THE end all be all iteration. It's just one interpretation, almost like an alternate take of sorts.
AgTrip said:
The Joker is a criminal insane genius. This guy is anything but that. This guy is an idiot. Sure he's crazy but he's no leader or mastermind. You saw this at the end with everyone running around rioting. He was clueless. He's a loser with a giggling disease.
The Joker from the comics, Jack Napier is a fearless criminal genius and a chemist. He is extremely clever and intelligent. He can read people like a book and understands what motivates them.
Joaquin Phoenix's Arthur Fleck was a mentally unstable lunatic who just sought chaos. He had no leadership of any type with the mob or gang as we see from the Joker in the comics. The Joker movie was lame. The Joker from the Gotham tv series was better than this movie.
TCTTS said:AgTrip said:
The Joker is a criminal insane genius. This guy is anything but that. This guy is an idiot. Sure he's crazy but he's no leader or mastermind. You saw this at the end with everyone running around rioting. He was clueless. He's a loser with a giggling disease.
The Joker from the comics, Jack Napier is a fearless criminal genius and a chemist. He is extremely clever and intelligent. He can read people like a book and understands what motivates them.
Joaquin Phoenix's Arthur Fleck was a mentally unstable lunatic who just sought chaos. He had no leadership of any type with the mob or gang as we see from the Joker in the comics. The Joker movie was lame. The Joker from the Gotham tv series was better than this movie.
wasn't a huge fan of the first movie either, I hear you, and you're not wrong. But we also haven't seen the full story yet. He literally didn't even become "the Joker" until the final act, if not the final scene of the first movie, so there's no reason that this iteration can't still become everything you're describing.
Either way, this Phoenix iteration was never meant to be THE end all be all iteration. It's just one interpretation, almost like an alternate take of sorts.
TCTTS said:
I had huge expectations for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and it surpassed them.
I had next to no expectations for Joker and was still underwhelmed. Parts of it were interesting, but overall it just felt like a frat bro's version of a "deep" emo movie to me. I don't know, I just got the impression that writer/director Todd Phillips thought it was way cooler/edgier than it actually was, which is probably an unfair assessment.
it's just that from a narrative standpoint it felt kind of cliched and like it had nothing new to say.
PatAg said:
One is a [copy of a] fun movie about tornados that pretends to be original . The other...
#Joker2 has been given an R rating by the Motion Picture Association for "some strong violence, language throughout, some sexuality and brief full nudity."
— Variety (@Variety) April 3, 2024
Capybara said:
I missed it in theaters and don't think I watched it until sometime in 2022. Could only make it through ten minutes, as it felt distant and cold.
Part of me has wondered if what Todd Philips originally conceived of The Joker actually got twisted around by what Phoenix did with the role. While Phoenix is incredibly talented and been great in some films I really enjoy, he's also come across to me as a guy who might just show up and do what he wants, but I could totally be off base there. That or Philips had an idea and was able to get approval to use The Joker IP for his idea.TCTTS said:
I had huge expectations for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and it surpassed them.
I had next to no expectations for Joker and was still underwhelmed. Parts of it were interesting, but overall it just felt like a frat bro's version of a "deep" emo movie to me. I don't know, I just got the impression that writer/director Todd Phillips thought it was way cooler/edgier than it actually was, which is probably an unfair assessment.
Pretty much how I feel about any of these spinoff movies/shows (Gotham, Joker, any of the Sony Spider-man villain movies, etc.). So many of these characters are created as direct foils to their respective superheroes that it and it's that conflict that makes them interesting (terrible writing in the Sony ones in particular notwithstanding).C@LAg said:
the joker does not work without Batman. period.
Batman is what gives the Joker meaning and purpose From his very creation..
I can't really judge it as I've of course only watched a small portion, but part of the issue is things I saw online from the ages of maybe 12-18/19 were so much worse than just about anything a movie could ever portray. Which has arguably been good taste-wise, as no movie or show can subsist on cheap shock value for those of my age/experiences.El Gallo Blanco said:Capybara said:
I missed it in theaters and don't think I watched it until sometime in 2022. Could only make it through ten minutes, as it felt distant and cold.
It's dark AF. I do find it to be a particularly deep and heavy movie for the most part, esp for a movie about a comic-villain. And the most unique comic-inspired story I've ever seen. I do not get the "unoriginal" or "cliched" takes at all personally, but respect that everyone's diff.
Cliff.Booth said:
Joker had what I call the Catcher in the Rye Effect, which is where there is a protagonist who is a ****ing loser but IRL losers lionize him into a folk hero. It was a clarion call for dudes who got bullied in school and can't get laid and might be on the spectrum and want everyone to know they are a lil wacky and hateful.
Cliff.Booth said:
Joker had what I call the Catcher in the Rye Effect, which is where there is a protagonist who is a ****ing loser but IRL losers lionize him into a folk hero. It was a clarion call for dudes who got bullied in school and can't get laid and might be on the spectrum and want everyone to know they are a lil wacky and hateful.