Thoughts after finishing:
Cool to see how Sigzil gets Aux.
Excited to see Lift with 10 years of training from Vasher.
Kaladin technically becoming the King of Urithiru (if you count Navani is incapacitated) to fulfill Jezrien's role as the Windrunner Herald King was awesomely poetic. I can't wait to see all the heralds come back to tear **** up.
I really still don't understand what the 5th ideal does as far as increased powers over the 4th. I guess the Spren can fully manifest in the physical realm?I loved the book, but on first readthrough it didn't have a moment that hit me as hard emotionally as most of the other books. The closest was Adolin accepting his father for his faults, but it lacked a true "You can not have my pain" moment that wasn't used previously in another book (like Kaladin telling Ishar that he will be warm again). Similarly, the most badass action moment of the book imo happened off screen (Taln going full terminator).
Urithiru better get self sustaining quick.
If I had to name one disappointment, it was that I was hoping to see Rock again. My pet theory coming into the book was that he was going to end up as the King of the Horneaters and bond the Night watcher somehow.
I'm interested to see if Shallan chooses her family over her curiosity to explore the cosmere. I think she ultimately stays in Shadesmaar as a Rosharan counterpart to Kelsier. Her lightweavers and several other radiants that came with her to Lasting Integrity should still be stuck in there with her, so I predict that is the bones of the new organization, with her staying in the Rosharan time dilation to lead while she sends others out to explore.
Overall, fantastic book. I'm going to start the fighting by my ranking, which would be TWOK, OB, WAT, ROW, WOR. WOR is still in my top 10 favorite books I've ever read.