aggiedata said:
You should have been a lawyer not a doctor
Medicine is about seeking truth also.
A lot of pastors are trained in seminaries that have preconceived theologies and use eisegesis to make Scripture conform to their theology.
If you really study it, Jesus taught very little about heaven or hell. He stated clearly why He came as I have posted.
There are zero Scriptures that say Jesus came to save us from hell. Paul, Peter, etc. never preached that.
There are a ton of Scripture talking about the Kingdom of God being here. Now. Not after we die.
And a lot about loving God and neighbor. The fruits of the Spirit being peace, patience, joy, love, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self control. Wrath is not a fruit of the Spirit which I believe exemplifies the character of God.
Lots of Scripture about money, the poor, and sexual immorality.
But if you ask a lot of Christians why Jesus came they will reply to save us from hell. Which is not Biblical.
But is taught, incorrectly in my opinion, in many churches.
Read Paul's Sermon on Mars Hill and compare it to a hell sermon by say Washer or Lawson. It is like a totally different message and delivery.
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