Infection_Ag11 said:
Madagascar said:
It would not only be bad medicine, it's fundamentally immoral.
Lol but jabbing children with unsafe levels of aluminum that could kill them over diseases that are minimally threatening is totally moral. Right.
Infants ingest more aluminum from routine household/dietary exposures in their first six months of life than they do from all the vaccines they will receive in their entire lives combined. And in both cases those levels are demonstrably not harmful in any way.
For perspective, ALL childhood vaccines combined have about 4.4 milligrams of various aluminum salts used as adjuvants. A breast fed infant ingests 5-10 mg in their first six months. A formula fed infant ingests 30-40 milligrams of aluminum in their first six months alone. The average adult ingests over 10 mg of aluminum EVERY DAY.
Ingestion =/= Injection.
Aluminum in our food does not get absorbed into the body while injected aluminum does. This case was brought forward by a pro-vac pediatrician named Paul Offit.
Because of this the FDA has set a limit on recommended injectable aluminum. From this article,"In December 2022, FDA issued a draft guidance for industry that clarifies the key factors in determining the appropriate aluminum limit in a small volume parenteral drug or pharmacy bulk package for products approved for use in parenteral nutrition. FDA's guidance includes a recommendation that the total allowable aluminum exposure from parenteral nutrition should not exceed 5 mcg/kg/day"
At the 2 month visit, infants who weigh ~10 lbs or less get 240 mcg/kg of neurotoxin injected into their bloodstream. And we are surprised at the levels of Autism rising? Plus there is more and more evidence out there that the vaccines are not really as effective as they are being advertised. I'm all for safe transplants but the medical community needs to start being honest with themselves about what constitutes health and whether it is ever appropriate to act like they have a personality disorder when parents bring up concerns.