Respectfully, he implies quite clearly that he believes policy, our policy specifically, violates human dignity. There most certainly is tension or otherwise this wouldn't be the 'crisis' he felt compelled to comment upon. For him, it would seem, any judgement that prevents staying in this country or deporting is a judgment against their human dignity. That's the catch.Bob Lee said:American Hardwood said:Here is actually the expanded quote. This is the reason I believe that Francis is either not very smart or is intentionally obtuse so as to create ambiguity leading to my aforementioned observation regarding the media response.Quote:
"This does not impede the development of a policy that regulates orderly and legal migration. However, this development cannot come about through the privilege of some and the sacrifice of others. What is built on the basis of force, and not on the truth about the equal dignity of every human being, begins badly and will end badly," he added.
He is perfectly contradictory in the two highlighted statements. On the one hand he says policies that regulate migration need not be impeded, yet in the following sentence he says that no one should be treated unequally which essentially means that regulation would be impossible because the whole point of regulation is to allow some migrants but not others. Some have to sacrifice and remain outside while others are privileged with entry.
Respectfully, you'll have to go and read what's meant by the dignity of the human person in Catholic theology. It's part and parcel of our humanity. Equal treatment doesn't imply a right to stay in the country. There is still a distinction between a citizen and non-citizen. There's no tension between that distinction and equal treatment under the law.
In the linked article, he describes the supposed horrible conditions that compelled these people to leave their homes, therefore, any policy that would return them to their home thereby violated human dignity and is therefore immoral.
In his equation, there is no factor for the human dignity of anyone else but the immigrants. No consideration about the criminal organizations that feed off of this situation or the dignity of those who suffer from the effects of this problem.
He should save his concern about equal treatment of people for the sake of human dignity for the individual whose soul is in jeopardy by failing to do so. That's his and His purview. Leave the governance of men to men and pray for the judgement of those men.
The best way to keep evil men from wielding great power is to not create great power in the first place.