TheEternalOptimist said:
......who calls you 'Nazi' and says 'You are not my parents'. Who rejects the precepts of God and morality.
I can not be alone. But it is a very lonely feeling at times.
Thankful for my other two children who encourage me to be faithful and stand true.
What we are dealing with personally has made me loathe the whole woke nonsense even more. It is a mind virus and it harms families deeply. I righteously resent it.
OP, you are not alone. In fact I believe it has become somewhat common. It is a goal of the left to separate children from their parents. The left uses cult-like techniques to do this, and in case you haven't noticed, they do collectively act as a religious political cult.
It's happening to people right now that don't even realize it. And to those of you with children, it is a warning: it can be over for you way before you realize what is going on. That was certainly what happened to my wife and I. And my wife is an absolute saint and an incredible mother, so I know this did not come from the family. My younger son simply has developed a personality disorder that I can no longer do anything about.
Like you, my older son provides me comfort that this isn't my fault, although I still blame myself for ever letting this happen. If I could only go back and stop these outside influences (internet and school leftists) from ever invading my son's mind, I would give anything to do so. But I cannot and it is almost assuredly a finality. My son is essentially dead. And I am left in disbelief in what has happened and it is a mystery to me how it happened. An extremely happy, normal, exceptionally intelligent child has been completely destroyed
This isn't about political differences. Tolerating differences of opinion is certainly possible with my wife and I. I am perfectly happy to accommodate my son's alternate beliefs. We were not and are not going to be given that chance.
So I will use your thread to warn anyone who will listen. Don't let them have your children. Pay attention to EVERYTHING they are watching and reading. I always believed in letting my children chart their own destiny to a large extent. In many ways, I let that belief interfere with good parenting and allowing them to be brainwashed at much too early an age. The radical leftists are everywhere and they will take every opportunity to brainwash your child and adopt your child into the cult. You may think your child is too intelligent and too kind hearted to ever have this happen. Not true. Those things can be used against them to change them forever. Be careful and pay attention. That's my advice. Like death, it cannot be undone. It has to be stopped before it happens.