AtticusMatlock said:
It's not theater at all. Kids aren't showing up because they are sick. Teachers aren't showing up because they are sick. A relatively decent percentage of the school isn't showing up anyway. Sometimes when that happens en masse it's just best to let everybody stay home and get over it. The optional weather/off days are already built into the schedule.
How many? Why is this different from 10-15 years ago? What happens to the kids who already took another day off or have to take a day later in the year?
And if this works because of your stupid stop the spread/flatten the curve theory, why do they also need to clean more? Why weren't they already cleaning? Does the superintendent's brother have a "disinfection" company they can get on short notice with a no bid contract? He paid good money for those modified mosquito foggers. Gotta put them to good use.
Looks like the covidiots and branch covidians are still around hoping for something to make them feel useful again. They needed to recycle and regurgitate all the disproven bull**** logic from 2020-2021.