Who?mikejones! said:
Democracy is no longer rule by the people, according to western political leaders.
It now means rule by experts or an epistocracy. Our betters surely know better than the people. The experts just happen to know which speech should be free and which speech should be disallowed and punished.
This is correct, but it's not just political leaders. My MIL thinks this way. We were discussing freedom of speech and she said some longer winded version of "I believe in freedom of speech buuuuut…you shouldn't have the right to offend people etc."
I tried all the typical counterpoints, especially "who decides?" She then argues that speech should be limited and regulated like everything else is. Of course, I point out that that would mean we don't actually have freedom of speech. I had to end the debate after she said "when you really think about it, freedom is a lot like slavery."
I thought for certain she was trolling me at this point but she wasn't. She never does that sort of thing. Apparently, she hasn't read 1984 and wasn't aware that was a central point from the book.
Her thought process goes like this: true freedom would mean too many choices. People would choose to do bad things. Therefore we need to "create guide rails" as she put it. IOW, we need other
people to choose for
people so that they don't make bad decisions. It's a perfect example of circular logic but that's what they believe.
They don't realize how naive they are because they don't think they've ever said anything wrong. To them, free speech isn't all that important because they further naively assume that they'll
never say something wrong. It doesn't occur to them that whatever speech is permitted/acceptable might change and someday they could end up on the "wrong" side.