Let's cut to the chase. Behind all the arguments one way or the other is this.
a) What "should be" or is "right" really has nothing to do with international affairs. It shouldn't be the criteria unless one is willing to enforce them. At any point and place.
b) How many are willing to risk direct war with Russia for Ukraine rather than say, Britain or France, or even California (for isolationists).
It is very important to deter war before it starts. Positions must be clear before.
Once you blow that, and the Obama -Biden meddling in Ukraine and then sending conflicting messages implying no consequences, blew that.
So here we are. The terms remain as they were at the end of the 20th. Russia is not going to back down about the idea of Ukraine aligned with hostiles. We cannot avoid conflict if we insist on that.
Is that what we want?
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."