Hey Nav said:
When I said "vet orgs" I was referring to VFW, AL, DAV, Texas Veterans Commission, etc.
Those guys, accredited VSOs, don't charge the veteran anything. They are certified by the VA to help process claims. From my experience, they really aren't doing anything more than helping the veteran file paperwork. My VSO stressed the need for medical evidence and service connection for any claim I made. Then we went through a list of most common issues/claims service members filed. If I said I had the issue and it was documented, he added it to my file. If I didn't, we moved on. Then he asked if I had any other medical issues. It told him what they were, and he told me if it was something I could claim or not. If it was, we added it to the claim. Then he submitted my paperwork electronically and explained the process of reviewing my claim, getting examined, and being rated. The "coaching" he gave me consisted of the following items:
Once you see that they have started processing your claim online, make sure you answer your phone even if you don't recognize the number, because it could be the VA calling to schedule your exam.
Don't miss your exam dates.
Be honest with everyone, especially BH, even if you are uncomfortable talking about events or memories.
Don't let the doctors push you into moving beyond your limits during the exams.
Once your exams are over, be patient. Don't check the website every day looking for an update or you'll stress yourself out.
And that was the extent of my "coaching".