aggie-1997 said:
I think it is funny that people complain about the noise from these drones. Feels like they complain just because they are new/different. There are other things that create as much, if not more noise (train, etc).
I have these fly over my house almost daily. I don't think they are a bother at all and as someone else said it is a better alternative than the USPS. We live in the 21st century. These are the types of things we should expect. Each year we get closer to living like the Jetsons.
Many agree with you, but the folks immediately around it do not. As constituents they made their position clear and I am duty bound to listen. Since intervening and adding the discussion item to the agenda before FAA approval was given I've stayed in touch with the neighborhood and with Amazon.
I feel like everyone is in a much better place and I'm grateful for that.
My opinions are mine and should not be construed as those of city council or staff. I welcome robust debate but will cease communication on any thread in which colleagues or staff are personally criticized. I must refrain from comment on posted agenda items until after meetings are concluded. Bob Yancy 95