So to be clear, the GATES in terminal B will be open, but you need to go through security in terminal A or C and take the sky train to get to them. If you're checking a bag, you must go through terminal C because United doesn't allow you to check bags in A. What in the absolute F?!"Passengers should check in and pass through security at Terminal C, then use the above-ground Skyway train for easy access to Terminal B. United Airlines gates B3B31 will remain operational throughout the lobby closure. Travelers are encouraged to arrive two to three hours ahead of their flight departure and follow the signage located inside the airport and along access routes to ensure a smooth transition during this important phase of the redevelopment project."
Denver, Atlanta, Orlando…all make it so easy to arrive at one central check in hub and then you take a train to your gate. If they were going to do this much construction why insist on sticking with the broken design? United flies out of every terminal, so you often park in one terminal and depart, then come back in another, requiring you to take sky train or Mr Toad if you checked a bag.
We flew out of C yesterday but I have been doing the park at A/B maneuver for years at this point. Once the B construction forced you to walk outside in the elements I just have been going through A and taking the sky train from there. I missed any signage this was going on. Sheesh.