One question that should have come to mind about the early days of A&M College was where did the faculty live. In the 1870s with Bryan five miles away and the only means of transportation being one horsepower buggies, housing within commuting distance was at a premium.
First Faculty Houses. In 1877 five houses for faculty members were built at a cost of $3,000 each. I think the first five houses were the ones in a row in the center of this photo.

This photo was taken from the rooftop of another house in about 1900. Assembly Hall (built in 1889) is on the left, Foster Hall (built 1899) is on the right. The street the houses are located on was an extension of Lamar Street that goes in front of the MSC. The house on the left of the five would have been moved to erect Guion Hall. Rudder Theater, Rudder Tower and the MSC are built on the site of the other four. Many other faculty homes were built on campus in later years, primarily on the south side extending to Wellborn Road. In the 30s and 40s on-campus home construction stopped and residents were given an opportunity to purchase their home if they would move it off campus. Several homes purchased then were moved across Jersey Street into what is now known as the Southside Historic District.
Bachelor Faculty Housing. Early on, bachelor faculty members more than likely shared dormitory space with students. President Gathright we know had an apartment in Gathright Hall (built in 1876.) In the 1890s a Bachelor Hall and Visitor's Dormitory was built on the north side of the campus at about where Walton Hall is now located. This photo was taken in about 1900 and shows some of the early residents (I suspect the students were pleased that they moved into quarters separate from the dormitories.)

In 1899 the bachelors residing in Bachelor Hall formed a Bachelor Hall Club as a means of improving their living conditions. Within a short time the club petitioned the college president to permit the club to build, own and manage their own living quarters under their club bylaws. The president consented and this group volunteered their own labor and finances and built the Shirley Hotel as a bachelor hotel and boarding house.
The old Bachelor Hall continued as a visitors dormitory until 1917 then was converted into a four-apartment house. It was renovated into a quite attractive residence for married faculty members. It burned in 1934 or 35.
Shirley Hotel.The Shirley Hotel and boarding house,owned by the Bachelor Hall Club, was completed in 1906. From this early photo you can see that it was larger and probably better constructed that the previous Bachelor Hall. It was located across Houston Street from the side of Sbisa Dining Hall.
The Shirley was to become a social center on campus. It was quite an operation and you would be best entertained by reading a bit of its history at this link: Shirley Hotel was a successful venture and in 1910 the club constructed the Shirley Annex with rooms for an additional 50 members immediately north of the first hotel.
The Bachelor Hall Club disbanded in 1931. This photo taken before 1911 shows a few of the members of that fun group. (Note: The large building to the left is the Old Mess Hall that burned in 1911.)
Board of Director's House. In 1912 the college built a separate residence for members of the Board of Directors when they were on campus. I suppose before that the gentlemen were accommodated in either in a dormitory, Bachelor Hall or the Shirley Hotel. The Board of Director's House was a frame cottage facing on Houston Street at the rear of Sbisa Dining Hall (across the street from Bachelor Hall.) It was in use by the Directors/Regents from 1912 until the MSC was completed in 1950.
After 1950 it was put to a variety of uses, last as residence for former president Jack K. Williams. It was undergoing renovation in 1979 when a careless workman caused a fire and the house was destroyed by fire.
[This message has been edited by fossil_ag (edited 7/26/2007 11:47p).]