4 days a week. Usually looks sort of like this.
Day 1: Bench, Incline (DB or Machine), Dips, Fly (Cable or Machine), Close Grip Bench, Tri Pressdown or Extensions (Rope Pressdowns, Lying Triceps Ext, etc).
Day 2: Squats, Leg Ext / Leg Press, Leg Curl (standing or seated usually), Hip Thrust (gym has a machine for this we use), Hip Abductor and Adductor Machines, Calves (usually seated). *The three hip exercises are a must for me now to keep me going

Day 3: Dead, Lat Pulls, Row (varies, currently the chest supported machine row), sometimes do a few pullups, preacher curls, DB curl (hammer, concentration, incline, one of them)
Day 4: Overhead press, Cable Side Lateral raises, Face Pulls, DB Row (that targets the rear delts), Shrugs
That's a pretty typical plan. The accessory work changes periodically, and it's usually 3 sets for 8-10 reps, maybe a minute rest between sets, We rest a longer for the big lifts. We usually throw in 3-4 exercises for Abs, a couple of quick sets of each. Things like farmer walks, side planks, weighted crunches, cable twists.
All in all, it's usually in the neighborhood of an hour, depending on rest times on the big lifts. If we're in a hurry, we may cut one of the accessories or cut abs to one or two. We do what we can.
I can certainly understand the time constraints. I've been there. When my kids were really young, I'd go to the gym early morning before work. Can't do that anymore

. My oldest, my daughter graduated college last May. So no really young ones any longer. I've been divorced about 9 years now and my son goes back and forth between my place and his mom's. Fortunately, I found a small local gym chain that has a location close to me and his moms. When my son's with me, we go to the gym by me. And when he's at his mom's we go to the one by her. We don't always go on the same days as life happens and there are conflicts, but we generally can find a way to squeeze in 4 days, week days or weekends. And then sometimes things happen and we can't get in the 4 days. We just do our next workout, which ever one that is, when we can, and just keep moving forward. I don't obsess about it too much.