TxAG#2011 said:
Tumble Weed said:
YouBet said:
TxAG#2011 said:
And I think you are completely wrong. Take for instance the Washington Post. They currently have 16 million followers. They have a massive outreach. You think they are actually going to say they don't want it and lose that?
That amount of outreach is probably worth millions of dollars to them. Now multiply that by thousands of other massive accounts. Corporations have zero leverage here. Nowhere else to go.
Oh, I'll be wrong. No question.
I would just like to see someone tell them to shove it and move on without it to see what would happen. Our touchpoint with Twitter is almost solely to social monitor people complaining. And we don't even do that well based on the metrics I've seen. It's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy function. If you give someone a way to complain about something that normally wouldn't matter...then they will.
It's make work. I've opted not to even have a handle for my area because there is literally no good that would come of it other than having to staff a headcount to monitor something we don't need.
From what I've read, the actual user base for Twitter is surprisingly small. It ends up being news outlets, talking head pundits, bots, and malcontents.
If people are dumb enough to pay for ad free spotify, and Texags Premium, they would pay for ad free twitter.
Also, I bought TWTR last week, and am up 12% so far so my bias is obvious.
There are so many subscription based services these days that adding on another $5-10 bucks for something that most people use as much or more than Spotify, Netflix, Dis+ etc isn't some huge dilemma it used to be. Think about how many people with 5k, 10k, 100k, followers that are making a brand that would literally disappear without twitter. Of course those people will pay up and probably a decent amount too.
I still can't believe all these companies have been essentially given a platform to advertise to millions of people for free. I have no doubt they will pay the piper when he calls.
Honestly I think that there will be a "Facebook Premium" at some point.
The psychology behind buying "stars" vs appearing poor is strong.
When I was a kid, the car that you drove signified your status. I was amazed when I realized that the phone that you carried was the younger generations status symbol.
Whether we are talking about PINS, MTCH, FB, TWTR, SNAP, etc, we need to realize that the status symbols have changed, and invest accordingly.