Had a two day trip through the D/FW area this week and made two stops at top 50 places.
First was Panther City:

Very solid experience, the burnt ends were phenomenal, ribs and brisket were both good but not blow your mind great. Sides were good. I can easily see top 50, but not sure I'd have them #10.
Hutchins was next:

Brisket was ok, but the pulled pork was dry, had a weird texture, and not that flavorful. Sides were good and it's serve yourself buffet style so for a flat price you can cram as much as you want in one of those paper boats so that's nice I guess. Not bad bbq, but I don't see top 50. They had a drive through line as well, so I think they crank out a ton of volume where the consistency is going to be harder to control.