Though I felt the speech was spot on and necessary, it only briefly touched on the real core of everything evil thing,
DAVOS, the WEF. Which is the Schuabs, Gates, Soros, Obama, Bush's ,Clinton's the Rockefeller's the
left, the LGBTs, the Climate scammers, the covid scammers and basically the anti God, anti Christ,
elite who are demonic, deluded and evil Malthusians. They really believe the earth can only sustain a population of about 2 billion and (the Georgia Guide Stone creators said only 500 mill.) They believe population must be controlled and cut by 3/4s, This is the truth. They have stated it redundantly and they have, up to very recently had a strangle hold on the media. So basically all of these elites have a had plan, fully developed in the
Club of Rome in 1968 and the end game of that plan is simple and redundantly stated.
A NEW WORLD ORDER. - One world government that they control. And as long as there are strong nations states with nationalism or patriotism then that one world order is unachievable. And the greatest threat to their goal is Christian morality based democracies, and especially the US and specifically the American upper middle/ class/ lower rich on down. Everything has been planned and done to destroy this class (what did the Covid scam hit the worst as far as financially? How abou tall the gov graft?). Furthermore, this class is their greatest threat because unlike other 'democracies' IT IS ARMED, The ability of a trained sniper acting independently to procure a 50 caliper rifle and blow the head off of one of these elites from over a mile away is an incontrollable threat. The one thing they fear is the masses waking up and coming after them, another French Revolution)
Ao, there really is no left or right. those are created oppositional forces, (white and black hats) as a red herring to keep us from seeing the real root of the issues we face and will face as time goes on.
We basically have had two forces in battle for some time now, since the fall actually. God and the devil and his minions, which translates down on the earth as the elite wicked who see people as 'subjects/slaves/fodder' and the people themselves who happen to be to the most part self centered and have been bought off with the trinkets of momentary pleasure.
Even the Nazi' trully believed they came from an Aryan race planet and that we are in cosmic war with other planet based races. These elite believe the same, and they not only have no problem with the killing of millions or billlions they are actively looking for way to do that, whether it be war or pandemics.
This is the truth and it is now slowly pushing it;s way into the light.
"only one thing is important!"