Tex117 said:
bam02 said:
Im 43 and I've been close but know my strongest days are almost surely behind me. Sucks to know but I keep
Trying to progress.
Nah man! Unless you were some powerlifter (or reeealllly freakin strong when you were younger), there are plenty of >40 guys who are making some good progress and the strongest they have ever been. (Myself included).
I'm sort of one of those guys. I topped out at 580 squat, 565 deadlift (sumo), and 305 bench in a meet when I was 18 at around 210 lbs (and I'm 6'01"). I got away from lifting heavy and got more into yoga in the last decade. I've had off and on disc issues in my lower back and had hip surgery about 3 years ago to repair damage in my left hip joint.. I probably haven't squated close to 300 in 10-15 years.
I'll be 47 in November. Currently around 185 lbs. At my lowest, I was probably close to around 160 when I got divorced in 2015. I've started clawing my way back though. Since my now 14 year old son started going to the gym with my last spring, We've been doing the same type of workouts I started out on and did through high school years ago (outside of ramping up to actual meets). 4 day split with a focus on Bench, Squats, Deadlift (sumo), and Overhead press with accessory work. The big 4 cycle through a 7 week program, starting with 5-6 sets of 10 with weight continuously going up each set, down to singles and a new max in week 7. All the sets / weights are based off the 1 rep max. I did 300 for 3 on my last set of squats on Sunday, and it felt really good. I'll take whatever progress I can get. When I had hip surgery, the guy in charge of my rehab for my doctor told me never to do weighted squats to parallel or below again. As far as I know, I haven't damaged anything again yet
My goal is to get to 500 squat, 500 deadlift, and 350 bench before I'm 50. Who knows if I'll make it, but every day and week that I can keep going and don't have to take a break for some injury or other issue is a success.