Jack Boyette said:
It's just a game. It doesn't matter.
If it doesn't matter, let me in for free.
One thing I noticed over the years was that my frustration level was directly correlated to how much I was getting charged to get kicked in the gonads. I might be happy to pay $25 to get kicked in the gonads for three-and-a-half hours, but anything over that, and I start weighing the opportunity cost of those funds and wondering whether I could either have more fun or help make a better world by sending them elsewhere.
In 2018, I got tired of paying a boatload of money to get repeatedly kicked in the gonads and just flipped the switch.
Where I used to be hoarse through Wednesdays after home games and be able to tell you what high school some players came from, now, when I hear "Reed," I think "Arena."
It's been remarkably refreshing and restorative to my mental health to not stake a lot of my happiness on the athletic performance of a bunch of 18-23-year-olds, many of whom I suspect couldn't tell you what RELLIS means if you spotted them the first five words. And, with the portal and NIL, Jerry Seinfeld's observation about A-Rod moving from the Mariners to the Yankees is now appropriate to college athletics: "We're cheering for laundry!"
Want to feel better about where your money is going, or at least not feel like you're paying to get kicked in the gonads each year? Giving up my seat created some extra funding availability that now goes to the AFS, CCA, TABA, RV Association and some other organizations. Heck, with what they are charging these days, save up the cost of a couple of football seasons and you could endow a scholarship.