Swollen Thumb said:
Thanks. I'm looking at it.
So speaking of good twitter follows, etc,, I'd be interested to know if anyone subscribes to a particular service that they have found helpful as far as the type of trading discussed here. Seeking Alpha, Motely Fool etc all have premium subscriptions and I'm sure there are other lower profile services that might be great too. I generally peruse the free content from various sites, but would like to find one or two to subscribe to assuming the premium content has added value in the way of analysis and recs for mid/long-term opportunities. Any recommendations or feedback along these lines would be appreciated.
Would be great to use this thread to compare/contrast some of the ideas/analysis different posters are seeing from various services.
I pay for the Motley Fool Stock Advisor program. Runs me about $100/year. It's too early to tell whether it is worth the cost, but what it has done is given me some investment ideas I would not have known about left to my own devices. They seem to have pretty good "vision" as far as good long term holds as both brothers have soundly beaten the market over the years.
"But it is easier to purchase products that denote superiority than to be actually superior in economic achievement." - Thomas J. Stanley