M.C. Swag said:
This is bad. This is really bad man. I am extremely displeased with Cuban for letting this situation devolve to this point where a championship coach is walking away from a top 5 talent. The same man that endured the rebuild years has said he had enough. The Mavs franchise has been a beacon of stability for literally my entire adult life. The fact that we're here at this point so suddenly is....alarming to say the least.
And overall the Mavs are in a precarious position. They now have 6 weeks to find a GM who has to find a coach so they can strategize for THE most import FA summer in which the Mavs have max cap space before Luka's extension. They MUST get this right and they just added to the difficulty of the situation.
If Carlisle was going to be on the hot seat next year and had friction with Luka, then what's the difference here? Hire a coach Luka likes, whether that is promoting Mosley or hiring the Real Madrid coach (wouldn't be a fan of this imo), then get a GM who is committed to playing hardball to get guys around Luka.
No reason to hit the panic button right now. Majority of Mavs fans knew a reset was needed even if it meant parting with someone we loved like Carlisle. Now in a year if things are looking bad, and we have bad free agency periods this summer and next summer, I am more than happy to hit the panic button and say this is very very bad.