Can anyone here seriously say they have seen a ghost?

357,209 Views | 1531 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by Caesar4
Desert Power
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Hologram Tupac
A Person
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This is probably the most entertaining thread I've ever read on Texags. Definitely the creepiest
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Seriously. What the eff was in the kitchen?!
combat wombat™
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Phatbc beat me to it...

What was in the freakin' kitchen?!
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So, I have been visited in my dreams. The last message was from my grandmother, and my aunt sends me songs that I sing in my sleep. I can't remember what is going on all the time but I have been frequently told that when I'm asleep I have conversations with folks.

The latest thing that happened was while I was helping out a friend, the front door was wide open. But in one second without a draft or faulty foundation it slammed twice.
El Tigre
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you actually believe that keesha? what are your spiritual views?
The T Bow
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1998 I believe. My pawpaw died 2 years before. My meemaw was in ICU for a few days before she had a health problem requiring surgery to remove a few feet of intestine.

We get a call at midnight expecting the worst, so the family gathers. The doctors are surprised that she lived.

Once she went from ICU to recovery, she told us of how her husband came to visit before the anesthesiologist knocked her out. He simply stood by her side and said the words "not yet, you have several years left".

My meemaw lived another 8 years, fighting through multiple strokes.

My family owns a funeral home, and I haven't heard them mention a single ghost/creepy story in 30 years of running it. The above story is the only one (so far) involving myself or people I know

Stories like this amaze me.
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Yeah, I believe it and I take their love or warnings seriously.

Now, the talking/singing thing I didn't believe until I was recorded doing it.
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i grew up in an old funeral home from the 20s. talk about some weird **** happening growing up.

this may not seem crazy but for me it was really freaky at the time. i woke up one night because the foot of my bed was sinking as if someone was sitting or laying on it and in the corner of my room i heard a faint voice whispering, "everything is going to be ok [my name], everything is going to be ok [my name]" over and over. definitely freaked out. so like any junior high kid i pulled the sheets over my head and went back to sleep.
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would this be a good thread for creepypasta or do y'all only want original stories?
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What happened to Kl??? That is the real question..... Weeeeewhoooooo weeeewhoooooo
Desert Power
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Anyone else have any good scary stories that could rival the kitchen story?
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[This message has been edited by JOHN2010 (edited 4/22/2012 9:52a).]
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Friday night bump.

Any fresh stories out there?
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"You are right Ray no human being could stack books like this"
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This was taken by a buddy of mine one night just outside the Ft. Lewis cemetary back in 2006. The horn of the patrol car shown here started honking by itself in a random pattern. We asked the SGT in the passenger seat if he was doing that and he said no as the horn continued to blare. My buddy then took out his camera and began to take picture after picture, doing a full 360 around the car. No one was smoking and it was a clear night, no fog. I also saw this picture right after it was taken on his digital camera, the only thing we doctored on it was to blur out the face of the SGT in the passenger seat.

[This message has been edited by aggiemp572 (edited 4/28/2012 9:49a).]
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cool pic!
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bigger pic?
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Every serious response in this thread.
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Here's what was in the kitchen as posted by Kitchen Corroborator in his rookie thread "before i post":

Im not quite sure why K wanted me to post this on here, but from the amount of begging it seemed pretty important. Despite the rudeness, I am doing a friend a favor. Let me be the first to tell you K is the most level headed person I have ever met in my life. It is a hard story to believe but even if I hadn’t experienced it , coming from her I would have believed it. She isn’t the type of person to freak out over nothing. She has been through some tough stuff in her life, and makes it look like a breeze. She used to be the strongest female I know. What happened that night changed her completely. It changed me too. J tends to go out of town for work quite often. So K is usually at home alone. He tends to be a bit of a worrier, so everytime he is out of town we agreed that I’ll stop by to check in on K, see if she needed anything and stuff like that. This happened in early October, right around the time there were break ins happening in the neighborhood. The house next door to them got hit the night before. K has a gun and knows how to use it, but J still asked me to check in on her pretty often. I guess it was almost 11 or so, when I got a phone call from Js work phone. He says, Hey, im on the phone with K right now, and she is locked in our bedroom. She is crying and panicking. I think she heard or saw something that gave her scare. She wont leave the room to check and wont get off the phone with me. Can you check in on her.” knowing that she was on the other line freaking out and having him call me when he is uaually sound asleep worried me. Like I said, K isn’t the typ to freak out. So I threw so shoes on, and drove over. I live just a few minutes away. Right off I could tell something wasn’t right. I just had that feeling, so I grabbed my gun from under the seat, and walked up to the door. I got the strangest feeling in the world. I felt as if something was pushing me from the house. I could hear a lot of commotion, and I though for sure, someone was in the house. I was banging on the door, ringing the doorbell finaly I just grabbed the kety. I walked in an immediately yelled for K, to let her know it was me. She opened the door, and I heard her tell J, he is here. Then I glanced over into the kitchen, and I felt frozen. What was apparently a few seconds felt like a life time. I saw what appeared to be a black cloud was hovering over the island. It was thick, but translucent at the same time. I saw the oven open and close. Then the cloud suddenly hit the floor and started to rise like smoke does from fire. It appeared to kind of glow a sickly yellow color, and I could make out the figure of a very large being. It looked to be 7 or 8 feet tall. It had what I would compare to the scales of a lizard or a snake I couldn’t get myself to look at the face. I got a cold chill that shook me out of my frozen state, and all I remember is running down the hall grabbing the 2 year old girl, and the baby bag, and telling k to grab the baby and run. I kept telling her don’t look back, just go. When we finally got to her truck the little girl who had been in a sound sleep, popped her head up and asked about the black man with the cat. K pretended she didn’t hear but I know she did. I followed her to my mother’s house. I called her on the way to let her know what happened, and asked her not to ask k questions so she would calm down. K spilled it all and my mom called my aunt who works in the catholic church in Navasota, and she a friend of hers, a priest who said he’d be over first thing in the morning. As soon as I knew she was ok, I left to go home. On the way I called j, and tried to explain to him what happened. He thought I was crazy. I thought I was crazy. I eneded up driving to my girls house, and then I remembered we didn’t lock the door and I thought about the break ins. Now k knows I saw something but she doesn’t know this next part and J has asked me never to tell her. I told my girlfriend everything that happened. She didn’t believe me and thought we should go back to lock up the house. I did not want to go. When we got back the door was wide open which is I guess how we left it. Every cabinet door was open. The fridge was open. The over open but nothing out of place. Until we went into the baby’s room. All of his clothing from the drawer were neatly placed in a circle on his floor. In the middle of the circle was the picture frame that held his sonogram picture and first photo. That really freaked me out. In the girls room it was the same thing. Only all of the clothing laid on her floor was white with no picture. That strange feeling I had before was gone, but the way everything was left was too creepy for words. K went back to the house to get some clothes for her and the babies to go and stay w/ j while he was working in Beaumont. My aunt and her friend went with her, and asked her to leave as soon as she had gathered items. I’m not sure what went on there, but I know whatever my aunt told my mom really scared her. I know they found some other stuff disturbed that wasn’t when we got there, and they told us and k and j to be sure they baptized the kids. K doesn’t understand why. J wants to keep it that way for her own sake. Before then I have never been a religious person but you better believe that I am now. K is different. Its like something took a spark from her. I know I’ll enver get over it. I ask that you please do not disclose the info about the baby stuff. It has taken K so long just to be ok after that I don’t want her and I know her husband doesn’t want her freaking out again. Sorry this was so long I just wanted to be thorough. im only going to leave this up til about 6 tonight.

Thanks for getting him to come on TexAgs and share the story, km. I find it pretty fascinating and it's a testament to the fact that this stuff is real, and I don't want to mess with it.
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1) we don't know if this is even the guy. it wouldn't be that difficult to make that story up
2) even if km confirms, how do we not know this whole thing is just a troll anyway?

the internet don't LIE!
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How is km going to confirm?
She has never been told what was in the kitchen.
He and her husband don't want her to know wwitk.
She has said she doesn't want to know or read this.

So unless her husband confirms the story and then someone confirms it is actually her husband, we will never know for sure.
I like the story, feel like it is kind of a let down, and think I more enjoyed the mystery.
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How is km going to confirm?

she can confirm that KC is indeed who he says he is

but either way, i will still believe this is all a troll
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This is worse than the ending of Shutter Island!!!!
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The Fall Guy
posted 10:10p, 01/14/08
Walton and Worth,

My Mom and Aunt both said that before my grandfather passed away that they had a dream that he sat at their bedsides and said everything would be alright. They both lived in different cities.

I have had a dream where I was sitting in my grandparents kitchen after both of them passed way, and they were asking me questions about my life and High School and about my parents. Very freaky.

2 stories. When I was 6 I lost my MeMaw. She was dying from cancer and didn't want to die in a hospital. They let her stay at my parents house. My dad always slept with my mom. One night he decided to stay in the living room on the couch. My dad sleeps like a rock my MeMaw woke him up telling him to call the Priest and get me and my sister so she could say good-bye. Her bed was against the wall it was like it opened up and there was the brightest light but it wasn't harsh at all. I saw my dad's father come out (whom I never met) and another man that I knew was Jesus. I've always had a sense of peace at funerals and have never been sad at one I think that's why.

I quoted the other story because years later my mom told me that when she was a little girl her aunt was dying and her dad was rushing to get them there. She saw my aunt who told her it's too late I'm already gone tell you dad it's ok. It was 11:46 my mom's dad found out that her aunt passed away at 11:45.
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This is worse than the ending of Shutter Island!!!!
Tuco Salamanca
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That story is BS
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shutter island
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Tough to follow any of that.

I've never seen a ghost, but there is a house in my hometown that was known to be haunted. Its main claim to fame was that it couldn't be painted. It was an odd purple color, and for years growing up people would buy the house and paint it some other color, but it always turned purple again. Eventually my priest (Episcopal priest) blessed the house and it was never a problem again.

Also, not a ghost story really, but I have absolutely had an otherworldly sort of experiences when dreaming. It was about 15 or 16 years ago, I guess. I was given the chance to talk to someone very close to me who had died. It's hard to describe, but as some others have talked about here, it's different from a normal dream. It lacks strangeness. I was fully conscious and aware. It was very specific in that there were some things I was allowed to see, and others I wasn't, and some things she was permitted to talk about, and other things that she couldn't. It was a deeply personal experience that made a real impact on me and my life. I'm still very grateful for that experience, but it still to this day makes me quite sad to think that I didn't have the chance to ask about or visit with some other people, one in particular.
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When I was about 13 or 14, I did a lot of babysitting around the neighborhood, which was a brand new subdivision. Prior to the homes being built, it was all farmland.

The new neighbors moved in across the street - a Naval officer and his wife from New England, and 3 year old kid Russell.

The first time I sat for them, Mrs. K. gave me a tour of the home, including her "ancestor" room - a spare bedroom filled with antique family heirlooms (she was one of those DAR-type). The door to that room was always kept closed. I never went to that room whenever I babysat at their home.

They also had a painting of one of her ancestors - dressed in period clothing - probably from the 1700s. The woman was posed (or painted) in such a way that it appeared the eyes would follow you as one moved about the room. I recall feeling silly about thinking something so silly, and convinced myself it was a trick similar to Disney's Haunted Mansion. The painting was above the fireplace in the living room. It was clearly the focal piece of the house. I avoided that room. I stayed in the family room/kitchen area.

One night after Russell was put to bed, I was laying down on the couch watching TV. No cell phones yet, and land lines were still tethered to walls (LOL). It was going to be a late night - Naval Ball of some sort. The TV starts flickering and then gets all snowy. The temp in the room drops, and I'm freezing cold. Still oblivious to the signs.

Then I see a long-haired white cat in the corner of the room. It uncurls from a sleeping position, stretches, then walks toward the door which leads to the garage. The sofa I'm sitting on is along the same wall as the garage door. I'm on the side furthest from the door. When the cat reaches the other end of the couch, I lose it from my line of sight. I for a split second, I tell myself that it went thru the pet door, and that I couldn't see it due to the height of the couch's arm.

But the house didn't have a pet door . . . because they don't have a cat.

Suddenly in the same corner in which the cat originally appeared, I now see a man. He's dressed outlandishly - reminiscent of swashbucklers! Including boots, a hat with a feather! Now I'm terrified. He follows the cat. As he reaches the door to the garage, he disappears.

I am so terrified, I call my parents and my Dad comes over to keep me company. Dad didn't ask me why I wanted him there. He just knew I was afraid.

After that night, I would never sit for that family for late night events again, unless they allowed Russell to come to our home. They started using my best friend as their late night sitter. I never told her or anyone else what happened because I didn't want anyone to think I was crazy.

Life, college, grad school, marriage and kids took over and I moved out of state. During one of my visits home, Carol came over to my parents' home and we reminisced about growing up in this neighborhood. She asked about the family who used to live there - Little Russell.

Then she sheepishly told us (my parents were sitting around the table as well) that she stopped babysitting for that family at night because she thought she'd seen a ghost in the back bedroom.

I looked at my Dad, wondering if he remembered the night I called him in terror. He gently asked me if I was willing to talk about it. Carol looked at me, puzzled until I shared my story. Dad had this look of alarm. He told me that Mr. K shared with him that Mrs. K's family tree was full off interesting characters going WAY BACK, including one who was executed for piracy!

My Dad is known for his practical jokes, so for the rest of the week I thought he was capitalizing on my experience and milking the pirate story to match my "swashbuckler."

Except that Sunday, for the first time ever, he decided to accompany us to church. I think it made a Believer out of him.

Here is it 33 years later, and remembering that incident still gives me the chills.

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