Can anyone here seriously say they have seen a ghost?

357,156 Views | 1531 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by Caesar4
Moon Bomber One
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Cahrl - Good story and welcome to TexAgs. I can tell you are new here because you have an..

aTm papi
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I hate telling this story because to this day it still really bothers me, but here it goes....

A few years ago I worked at a summer camp all summer (ill leave the name out of the story). It is a Christian camp, we (counselors) did a lot of spreading the good word to campers. It was a very spiritual place. Of course, with spirituality comes spiritual warfare....during orientation we were warned/encouraged to read through and know ephesians. People told stories about waking up in the middle of the night and having kids speaking in tongues and seeing huge black figures (that were much bigger than anyone at the camp) standing in the middle of the cabins looking at them. I didn't believe in that stuff, so I just assumed people were just screwing with us newbies to the camp. But then this happened to me.....

After working there about a month, me and some other counselors were up late having a very good bible study. We had a long prayer and left, each going in different directions. My friend and I were walking back to our cabins (he was in the one right next to me). We happened to be in between sessions this particular night, so the kids were not there. So myself and my buddy get to our cabin and we "Y" to each go to to our separate cabins (doors were separated by about 15 feet). Right as I get to my door I hear my friends door squeak open and then I hear him say "Oh My God" as he falls to his knees. I sprinted over to his door confused because the kids were not there. Right as I get to the door I see one of the steel bunk-beds that the campers sleep on being dragged from the corner of the room to the center. Like someone was standing at one end dragging it (let me remind you that NO ONE was in the room). It was dragged about six feet before it stopped being drug. Then it was chunked like someone was "hammer throwing" it across the room so violently that left the ground and slammed into another set of steel bunk-beds and bent both of the frames.

Needless to say, it was hands-down the scariest thing I've ever witnessed with my own eyes. I spent the rest of the night in the sanctuary in prayer and quit the next day....I've never been back since.
Mary Magdalene
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now I'm never gonna sleep tonight!!! I'm scared
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Sounds like the ghost(s) there were sick of little kids pissing all over their beds!!
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Stump - props that was funny.

But in all seriousness I hate that story. It still makes me want to just go sit in church. I can honestly say that not a whole lot of stuff really scares me....but that experience scared me enough that it made me question my faith for a little while
Dirk Diggler
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Allrighty I got 1 experience to share with y'all. I posted it in the Aggies only forum also.

When I was in middle school I went to a 2 week summer camp in Maryland that my mom had gone to when she was a child. One of the nights we had a typical campfire ghost story night. Well one of the girls pretty much stole the show by telling us stories about her grandfather haunting her and her family. The only thing was he wasn't a ghost/ spirit - she claimed he was demon. She told us stories about him for about an hour saying that he would terrorize her whole family for hours at a time. He would just appear in their house and raise hell. And she was being dead serious, she started crying about halfway through her stories. The counselors didn't want us all to have nightmares so they finally cut her off and we all headed back to our bunks and eventually went to bed. Here is where it gets weird. I woke up in the middle of the night for some reason and it was freezing cold. And at that moment I had one of those sixth sense feelings that someone was right behind me( I was sleeping on my side facing the wall). All the hairs stood up on my neck etc etc, I knew someone was there. I was too scared to move after hearing all of the demons stories so I just layed there scared out of my mind. I think I layed there perfectly still for about 2 hours before I somehow fell asleep. The next morning we wake up and as I am walking to the shower one of the campers runs up to me and says "dude are you ok?" I said yeah why whats up? He replies " I woke up in the middle of the night and there was demon standing right behind you just staring at you!" At this point I was pretty freaked out because obviously I hadn't discussed my experience with anyone and this kid watched it go down. ( and I didn't even see anything just felt a presence) I decided that I didn't want to talk about it anymore at that point... I didn't even want to know what it looked like. Luckily I haven't had any run ins since.
Cubicle Dweller
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This is kinda long, and not scary, and didn’t really happen to me, but I was sort of involved.


This is about my sister. Starting at age 16, she started getting into trouble, smokin’ pot, and hanging out with bad folks. She was a terror for my parents for a few years, grades started going down, she ended up dropping out of school after a couple of weeks into her senior year.

She was the only granddaughter on my dad’s side, and my grandfather loved her like you would not believe. My grandfather was an alcoholic for the longest time. At some point in his life, around age 45 I believe, he gave it up cold turkey. My grandfather also had a passion for chocolate labs. He had a chocolate lab by his side for as long as I knew him.

Well, after my sister dropped out of school, my grandfather went to visit her as often as he could. He would never force her hand, never talk down to her, never criticize her, never judge her. He was just there to help her and my parents out whenever he could. This went on for about 6-7 months until my grandpa got sick. During their time together, grandpa gave my sister a chocolate lab pup (she named it Marley…no, not the movie, the reggae ‘chocolate’ colored pot smoker guy). He was older, well into his 80’s by that point. He never got cancer or anything ‘serious’, just the ailments and issues of old age had finally caught up with him. He hung on for about a year, then finally passed away…doing what he could to help my sister out as long as he could.

During the course of him going to visit and his sickness (about 1.5 years), he convinced my sister to get her GED, a definite positive step. After he died (she was about 20), she kind of lost it again. She started up with pot and booze and eventually moved on to harder drugs. We finally convinced her to come live with me, a long ways away from her ‘friends’ and connections and drinking/drug buddies. During the time she lived with us, she stopped the coke, but still smoked pot and drank quite a bit, but primarily in the ‘safety’ of our home. Well, she ended up meeting a guy, who was actually a very good man. He was working and going to college, and had overcome his own set of issues growing up (parents were boozers, got divorced, got back together, got re-divorced, he ended up living with his grandparents, uncles, aunts, friends).

So this is where the ‘supernatural’ comes into the story. One night, I heard Marley start whimpering. No big deal, he did that sometimes if he needed out. My sister didn’t let him out, and I couldn’t sleep with it anymore, so I called him upstairs (from the basement) and let him out. He went outside, but didn’t go to the bathroom. I finally got him back inside, sent him down to his room…then he started whimpering again. I finally said F it and went back to bed. Next morning, my sister was up when I was, which never happened. She said she wasn’t feeling well, then asked why I turned the AC down so low. I told her I didn’t touch the AC and that her dumbass dog kept me up all night.

Next night, more whimpering from Marley. I was ticked off at this point. Stormed down to the basement, saw the light was on, and saw Marley lying in my sisters lap, who was sitting up in bed. She said that she had had a bad dream and thought someone was in the room with her. She said that when she woke up, she felt something move off of the bed. I asked her what the dream was about, she said it was about grandpa. I told her it was just a dream, and that the movement was just the dog, she claimed Marley was lying with her in the same spot all night, and was still on the bed when she woke up.

Next night…nothing, but the next morning, Marley and my sister were up early again. My sister again said she had a dream about grandpa, but this time he was holding a baby. When she woke up, she said she saw grandpa standing next to her bed, looking down on her. She was pretty freaked out, but I was not amused. Being that she was a doper and probably an alcoholic, it was tough to take stuff like this seriously.

We went a week with nothing. Then I heard the whimpering again in the middle of the night. I gave it a few minutes, and thankfully, it stopped. Next day, I went to work, went about my business, and came home to see my sister’s boyfriend’s car in the driveway. I went inside and saw my wife, sister, her boyfriend, and of course Marley, all hanging out in the living room talking and laughing. It was as happy and relaxed as I’d seen my sister in a very long time. She then told me that Marley woke her up with her whimpering again. And when she woke up, she saw grandpa again standing over her bed. He was smiling and holding a baby, a little girl. She claims he then told her that ‘there is more to live for’ then kissed the baby on the forehead, smiled at my sister one last time, then disappeared.

Nine months later, my sister had a perfectly healthy baby girl. She claims that after that night that grandpa talked to her, she never smoked or drank again. I can honestly say I haven’t seen her drink a drop since then.

After she got home from the hospital, she told me she saw grandpa one more time. She said she woke up in the night, walked to the nursery, and saw him standing over baby Abigail through the glass. When she got there, he looked at her, smiled, bent down to kiss the baby, then disappeared.

I have no idea if any of that is true or not. Or if it was just manifestations in her head to help her cope and get through tough times. Whatever it was, she turned her life around because of it. That’s enough to make me believe.
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Awesome Story

Thanks for sharing!!
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I have no idea if any of that is true or not. Or if it was just manifestations in her head to help her cope and get through tough times.

Cocaine is a helluva drug.
Mary Magdalene
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I grew up in the small town of Schulenburg, Texas. When I was 12, my folks bought a four bedroom house and we thought we thought we were the luckiest people on earth. There were always weird noises and such going on in the house but I remember one day my friend and I were walking into the house to ask my mom a question. As we opened the door, we heard a conversation going on and we went toward the back of the house to find my mom. Well guess what? My mom was at the neighbors house and NO ONE was home. My friend and I both heard the voices and were frightened to death. So as time passes lamps, our blender and tv would all turn on during the middle of the night. When I was in high school, I woke up in the middle of the night to see a ghost standing at the foot of my bed. I tried to rationalize that I was sleeping but to this day I know I was wide awake. Well years and years later, we rented the house out to my brother's co-worker but never mentioned to the tenants about our weird family house. One day at work the tenant told my brother she had something weird happen. It seems her husband was out of town so she had her two kids in bed with her. She said she heard a little girl laughing in the back of the house and when she went to check it out there was nothing there. She knew it wasn't her little girl since she was in bed with her. A few years ago our haunted house burned to the ground. No one was home when it happened however, a dog died in the fire. As we sat talking after the fire our children told us of weird things they saw too but never told us. I am glad the house is gone.
Mary Magdalene
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It's weird how someone is always absent from the house when the stories happen (wife home alone, kids hole alone, etc)
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My uncle was in the ICU recently. He said he saw his dad and two uncles standing next to a door, and when he tried to go through the door, they stopped him and said not yet. He said it happened two times, the same way except the second time he tried to open the door more forcefully.

After recounting this story, he learned that he had flat-lined twice. What makes it creepier is that he said his dad was laughing at him in these dreams, or whatever they were, which totally fits his personality. He was just that way.

I personally think they were just dreams and coincidences, but it was really creepy when my mom told me that story this past weekend.
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yeah ICU delirium is quite common, especially in the olds
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yeah ICU delirium is quite common, especially in the olds

Didn't know that. Thanks.
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Mary Magdalene
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I drove by a house mentioned on one of these threads (either this one or the one on AO)...

It was the house in Bryan off Holick behind Cindie's. Who was that? I refuse to look through all these pages.
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What was in the kitchen?
Naked Hiker_Old
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WHAT WAS IN THE KITCHEN!!!!!!!!???????????

[This message has been edited by Naked Hiker (edited 8/9/2012 1:11p).]
El Tigre
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she already said what was in the kitchen. it was some kind of reptilian.

[This message has been edited by El Tigre (edited 8/9/2012 1:11p).]
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It was a lunchpailosaurus
Naked Hiker_Old
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I thought it was everything that's needed for a tasty sammich, except no bread.
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I read a few of the beginning stories and I'm already sure that I will be freaked out when I go to sleep tonight.

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I'm right here
Marcus Aurelius
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Half the stories on here are typical of hypnagogic hallucinations or hypnic jerks.

Hypnagogic hallucinations are brief protrusions of REM sleep/dreams into wakefulness with blurring of sleep/wake transition. It is not terribly uncommon, and is associated with sleep deprivation/fatigue. It is also associated with narcolepsy.

Sleep starts or hypnic jerks are more common and frequently accompanied with seeing images or floating above the bed. These are sudden brief jerking of muscle groups, usually early in the night, seen with transition from light sleep into delta sleep.

[This message has been edited by thome22 (edited 8/9/2012 1:54p).]
Naked Hiker_Old
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The other half are ghosts.
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mi amor.
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I rarely use my alarm clock because I am woken up by a female voice saying "Keesha!" almost every morning.
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I Haven't seen a ghost, but my mom and her friends were being stupid and used a ouija board when she was a teenager in the 70's. Well long story short, while they were using the board the power went out and the fuse box was completely fried. Scared them to death. I always mess with her that a demon still follows her around. I'm too afraid to mess with one of those

[This message has been edited by Jamadden1987 (edited 8/9/2012 3:45p).]
Naked Hiker_Old
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ttt for bedtime.
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