Can anyone here seriously say they have seen a ghost?

357,149 Views | 1531 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by Caesar4
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My grandfather died in Feb of '94, so my grandmother moved in with us (she had alzheimers). She was in the late stages of it and we didn't expect her to make it through the year. She didn't really know who we were and would really only just mumble nonsense. One day in Nov of '94 she was sitting in "her" chair and started talking, like you or I would talk - very clear and purposeful, like someone was right there with her. She kept saying stuff like "okay, see you soon," "I'll be here," and things like that. When she got done, we asked her who she was talking to and, plain as day, she said "Poppa" (that's what she called her husband). "He said he was going to come for me soon." The next day or two, she died while sitting in the same spot.

My wife just took a new job and her office in an old house from the 1800s. She's going to be the only one in the whole house most of the time. When one of my friends found out, she said "Oh! That place is haunted. So & so used to go there for work said that the faucets in the upstairs bathrooms just turn on by themselves all the time." My wife is a chicken and was NOT happy to hear that. I think it's f'n hilarious. I'll keep y'all posted.
Maia Nyx
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I don't know, when I was out there, there was lots of talk of building that area back up, repairing the roads and eventually filling the lake back in and making it a high dollar lake side homestead.

There have been lots of issues, obviously the displacement of families and what not...

I'm not sure what's going on right now, but I think they're just fixing some stuff up.
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I figure we can get a group together Friday and if we find nothing, we all head back to Northgate and get fah-snickered.
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i like this idea
Maia Nyx
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Sounds good to me!!

Three day weekends are the shizzle!!
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Someone email Apu, I lost his address
Maia Nyx
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I haven't been around that long...

I don't know many of the folks here.
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more ghost stories!!
Maia Nyx
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I know, I feel bad about the hijack geo!

More stories people!!
The Fall Guy
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no problem with the hijack!!! I love these!!!
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completely agree Gomer
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Irving - Texas Stadium - It is said that the whole stadium is haunted but sometimes after the games when everyone has left except workers you will see an old man and his grand daughter walking around on the second floor. She is dressed in a cheerleaders outfit and waving a flag. If you talk to them they won't answer, they will only pass you and disappear into the darkness.

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My wife saw the presence of one when she was a kid. She and a cousin were visiting their grandparents in middle-of-nowhere Kansas and decided to visit the abandoned home of their great grandparents who lived in the farm a couple of hundred yards away, as it had stacks of old magazines for them to read. While they were there reading them, things got very still and a rocking chair that her great grandfather used to sit in started rocking on its own. She swears neither of them touched it and that is was a very calm day so it could not have been wind. She still gets freaked out about it when she thinks back to it.
Little Rock Ag
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I have a couple of friends who stayed at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Supposedly, it is the most haunted hotel in the United States according to ghost enthusiasts. Anyway, one morning at about 7 AM, the husband was in the shower. His wife came in to put on her makeup but the mirror was fogged-up (understandably). She briefly left the bathroom and came back and screamed when she saw the words "PLEASE HELP ME" written on the mirror. The room they stayed in was where a woman supposedly committed suicide. The husband swears that he didn't write that on the mirror and he's not the type to lie about it. Now, there could be a perfectly "earthly" reason for what happened but you never know..

Here's a link to the hotel, by the way:
Eric Forman
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Bloody Mary stories:
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My Great Grandmother died in 1993. Shortly after she died, one of my uncle's and his wife moved into her house. 10 years later in 2003, they still lived there but they have removed all the old carpet and furniture and painted the walls since then. The whole family had come over for thanksgiving dinner and I was walking by where my great grandmothers recliner used to be. All of the sudden, It got cold in that one area and I smelled her rose smelling perfume that she used to wear when I was a child. In an instant, it was gone and the area was warm again. I was very close to her in life so it didn't scare me. It gave me a warm feeling to know that she was there with us that day. I asked my aunt and uncle about it afterwards and they said that it has happened to female members of my family too, But I am the only male that has experienced it. Until then, I had kind of questioned heaven and the afterlife, but that experience made me realize that there is most certinly a heaven and a God.
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This is a very touchy subject for me. The whole Bloody Mary thing is true, for I truthfully know it is. This took place in a small town called Newport, MI, just north of Monroe. On June 22, 1999, in the Monroe Evening Newspaper, there’s an article about my best friend, Mike. We were only thirteen at the time, you know the age of curiosity and the first time hearing the legend of Bloody Mary. It was around ten or eleven at night, when the moon is covered by trees, so there’s very little light. We both wanted to try it out, but to this day, I am glad I never went in with him. He went into the bathroom by himself because we thought it wouldn’t work if we both tried it at the same time.

The legend we heard was that you had to light six candles, write 666 on the mirror with anything red (we used lipstick,) and say "Bloody Mary" six times. My friend did these things because we wrote the stuff and lit the candles before we shut the door. I heard him say "Bloody Mary." Nothing happened for ten minutes, he didn’t make any noise and I could still see the lights from the candles under the bathroom door. I didn't think much of it and went downstairs to get something to drink. When I came back, I was a little worried because I could see no candlelight and the bathroom door was locked. I pounded on the door until his dad asked what I was doing.

His dad believed that we accidentally locked the door, so he got his lock-pick set. When he got the lock undone, the door was stuck when we pushed on it. After about fifteen minutes of pushing, there was a thump and when the door opened, my friend was kneeling on the ground and his head was in the sink. My friend died doing this stupid legend. Please, don't any of you make the same mistake.

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June 22, 1999

i turned 16 on that day
Maia Nyx
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The school building I work at is a little over a hundred years old. On two separate occasions, and at opposite ends of the building in different rooms, I could hear a very young child humming "London Bridge is Falling Down". It was very distinct. Both times I went to the next few rooms to see if anyone was in there or if anyone was playing music. The rooms were empty and no one was in them.

Doesn't scare me and I actually think it's pretty cool.
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My dad used to work at the old meat lab (Animal Industries Building) which was haunted by Mr. Simms (accidentally killed himself cutting meat while working late one night). He and my mom have several stories of things being moved to different rooms, the service elevator working by itself, etc. when no one else was around. The one that made my mom never go back was hearing rubber boots walking up and down a hallway when no one else was in the building
BATT article on Mr. Simms:

I have seen a ghost in my own house. I was getting laundry out of the dryer late one night and looked into the living room to see, plain as day, a child (8-10ish) with a short, buzz cut sitting on our couch watching me... looked away for a second he was gone. Other strange things have happened at my house. When it was being built, the equipment was malfunctioning and the builder joked that the place must be haunted. There were numerous holes found on the property when building began. Strange things like toilet seats moving when my mom and sister are the only ones home and other weird things being mysteriously moved have happened.
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a friend of mine has some acquaintances with some people from Arizona that she met in college. He talks about some of the weird things that would happen outside of the Navajo reservations. Particularly involving skinwalkers (shapeshifters).

skinwalkers are navajo tribesmen who have been expelled from the reservation and cursed. He talked about how the experience he had involved a strange person/thing that was able to jump incredible distances and outrun his varsity trackstar friend.

when he and his friends were pulling into a parking lot, their headlights shined on the thing while it was digging through a dumpster. it was squatted down like a catcher in baseball and digging through garbage. it stared into the headlights like a deer, and then darted off. they started playing capture the flag or football or something in a field next to the dumpster and the thing returned to the dumpster... that's when the track guy tried to catch it and got smoked.
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I went to MSCW in Columbus, Ms. for two years. It was an all girls school and the freshman dorm on campus was a vintage 1840"s building from when it was an exclusive girls boarding school. During the "war of northern aggression" the building was used as a hospital for the wounded and dying from the battle of Corinth.
There were many reports of ghosts and haints of dead soldiers and also a young woman who hung herself when her intended was killed in WW1.
Never saw a ghost there but still creepy.
The Fall Guy
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My wife tells this story. When she was in high school she worked at Wal Mart. One of her co-workers was an older lady (50's or so) I will call her Paula.. Paula and her husband had bought a really old house about 9 months prior. Paula has a daughter and grandaughter. Grandaughter is very young, she still sleeps in a crib. Paula's daughter works evenings so Paula and her husband have agrred to watch the baby a couple nights a week. First night she puts the baby down to sleep. Goes down stairs and watches Tv with her husband. Baby starts fussing. Paula decides to give the baby a little bit of time to see if she goes back to sleep. After a few minutes Paula hears over the baby monitor sounds that could be static but they also sound like someone saying "Shhhhh". Baby stops crying. This process repeats itself over the course of the next couple of weeks except the sound sounds more and more like shushing rather than static. Paula starts to get creeped out. Not that she is superstitious but the house they live in was built in the 1890's so it had that old house feel. Paula tells her daughter who gets creeped out so they decide that daughter will not bring the baby over night anymore. She finds another job with normal hours, which she was planning on anyway. A couple of months later, Paula and her husband decide to do some remodeling. One of the things they decide to do is replace the flooring in the bathroom next to the room the baby's nursery. When they pulled up the subfloor they found a skeleton. Turns out back in the twenties or thirties an older couple lived there. Husband was an abusive alcoholic. Wife just disappears one day. Husband was always suspected of murder but could never be proved.
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This thread is the awesome!
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Don't click it. Rick Roll.
Whos Juan
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dammit stump.
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Lived in an older house while in college with 3 other guys, when we moved in we were told that the previous owner(elderly man) had died in the house. The main bathroom was located near the end of the hallway with several bedrooms across from it and one night while sitting on the couch in the living room I saw a dark shadow out of the corner of my eye walk into the bathroom,turn on the light and shut the door. I really needed to take a whiz but I was too lazy use the 2nd bathroom or go outside and after 10 minutes I went and knocked on the door but no answer. I knocked again and opened the door but no one was there, this would happen all the time and eventually everyone got used to it and would joke about it.

Late one night during the holidays when I was the only person in the house the smoke detector in the rear of the house starts blaring like it does when you hold the button down to test it and I'm like WTF? No one was in the house except me so I remove the battery and went back to bed. The next night the smoke detector in the hallway does the same thing. I remove all the batteries in all the smoke detectors except for the one in my room and I'll be a SOB the damn thing goes off the next night. Weird as hell.

Every single time I was alone in that house for a couple of days the smoke detectors would go off. Never could figure that one out.

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She briefly left the bathroom and came back and screamed when she saw the words "PLEASE HELP ME" written on the mirror...Now, there could be a perfectly "earthly" reason for what happened but you never know..
I went to Coronado, CA with my parents in May of 2005 and stayed in the Hotel del Coronado ( It's pretty famous for its hauntings as well. My mother was showering the evening that we got in, and when she got out of the shower, she saw the words "Help me," written in the fogged mirror. She prefers to think that I was responsible for it, but I know I wasn't.
combat wombat™
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I bet the staff in the supposedly haunted hotels write stuff out on the mirrors with RainX in order to "make it real" for their patrons. Probably not sanctioned by management.
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[the fly] just sat there, like it knew something.

I don't know why, but this made me laugh.

[This message has been edited by Kempster (edited 1/15/2008 9:55p).]
Little Rock Ag
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I think the reason why cars move forward over that infamous SA rail crossing is due to the fact that there is an incline that is not easily perceived. I don't have a link (too lazy to look) but that's what I've heard in the past.
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the staff in the supposedly haunted hotels write stuff out on the mirrors with RainX in order to "make it real" for their patrons.

my thoughts exactly
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Our old hunting lease was haunted. There is an old Spanish mission on the land and apparantly everyone in the mission was slaughtered by American Indians. My uncle was up at the lease alone one time and woke up in the night to the sound of drums. There was no electricity at the lease so he couldn't turn on any lights, but he said he was freaking out cuz he could hear drums, soldiers marching, and men shouting out orders in Spanish right outside of camp. No one in my family ever stayed there alone again.

What was really freaky was the ranch owner never slept at the ranch even though he had a house. He was too terrified because he had had a few encounters with a female ghost he had named "Esmerelda" that had shaken him up pretty good.

One more thing was that a couple of the other hunters got pretty shaken up when they found children's footprints in the dirt by one of their corn feeders one time.
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