Can anyone here seriously say they have seen a ghost?

357,190 Views | 1531 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by Caesar4
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What are y'all watching?

Y'all Must have been talking about Fairview's post I guess. I'm slow today.
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I have seen dark figures and white figures but mine didn't have eyes- just forms. I don't like the dark ones either. They go too fast and you can't tell where they're going or what their mission is. The white ones don't bother me as much I guess because they look like fog or steam. But I actually prefer the ones that walk around and look like us. They don't seem as strange.
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Not too long ago I had a few incidents in my home that were around the time my wife's grandmother died at 100 years old.

I've been with my wife since high school, and have known her whole family since then as well, including her Mimi (that's grandma). My wife always told me (jokingly) that her Mimi liked me more than her and that she would always light up when I would come into her vision at family gatherings.

After she passed, there were two incidents that took place.

1. My house has all bedrooms upstairs (including the master). So I'm in the shower and while I'm drying myself off I hear my wife calling my name. I reply back asking her what's up and I get no response. So I think nothing of it until about 30 seconds later I hear my name again. This time I reply back a little louder and still no response. At that point I leave the bedroom (having fully dried off at this point) and see there's no one upstairs.

So I holler downstairs asking her what she needed. She responds asking what I was talking about and she hadn't called me at all. I asked where the kids were and they had been downstairs the whole time taking a nap. No one in my family had said a word to me and once I realized that that's when the hair stood on the back of my neck.

2. My oldest son (who was 6 or 7 at the time) was having a tough time dealing with Mimi's passing as this was the first time he'd ever dealt with losing a family member. He had been acting out and went up to his room cause he was upset.

I decided to go up there to chat with him and talk it out. When I went in to his room I shut the door so he'd feel comfortable that no one else was listening. Hanging off my sons door knob (the handle outside his room) at the time was a religious decoration (can't completely remember what it looked like). We were having a good conversation then all of a sudden I heard noises at his door. It sounded like someone was messing with what was hanging on his door.

I looked at my son when I heard it and he told me his younger brother sometimes messes with it. So I holler at him to stop and we go back to talking. A few minutes later the sound is stronger and then I hear the sound of it falling off the handle. Frustrated I shoot up and open the door expecting to see my younger son standing there but there's no one and the decoration is still hanging. I run to my other sons room and he's not there so I call to him to see where he was. Once again, he was downstairs the entire time with my wife and it was just me and my son on the second floor.

Nothing has happened since then but both of those incidents were within a month of her passing.
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NC2001 said:

I've never told this story before except to my wife: When my son was around three months old, he woke up in the middle of the night fussy and hungry like any newborn. I wanted my wife to get some sleep, so I took him to the living room and we sat in the dark with just a lamp on. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a dark shadow crawling at a slow pace towards the kitchen. When I looked in that direction, I saw a black, demon looking creature with red eyes staring at me as it was moving from one side of the house to the kitchen area. I jumped up and turned on the lights and it disappeared. A few nights later, same thing happened. My son was hungry and fussy, so I took him to the living room. This time I was facing the television (which was turned off) with one lamp on. As my son was settling in, I look at our television and I see an image of a tall, dark being sitting next to me. I could not move. I knew I was awake, but it felt like I was frozen in place. I prayed that I could get up and move right away, and after I said my prayer, the light from the lamp flickered and the dark being was gone. The next morning my wife and I went to church and began the preparation for our son to be baptized in church. After his baptism, we never experienced any issues.
Isn't it interesting how this kind of stuff only happens to catholics?
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BenFiasco14 said:

Yikes. Only thing I can think of is sleep paralysis. The exhaustion of a newborn lends to that theory
No, I was fully awake. Unless I dreamt of taking a piss and then picking up my son and going to the fridge to get him a bottle and me a bottle of water...

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Spinnerag said:

ghosts do not exist
Never say never
Gig 'em!
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Shakes the Clown said:

Why did the episodes stop after the baby was baptized?
According to our Priest (we're Catholic), he said newborns are more susceptible to demons and evil spirits because babies still have the "Original Sin" attached to their souls. Only through baptism can the original sin be washed away. Once our son was baptized, we didn't experience any other issues.
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That explains all the Baptists and Hindus complaining about their near-constant sleep interruptions due to ghosts.
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It's not just Catholics....
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NC2001 said:

Shakes the Clown said:

Why did the episodes stop after the baby was baptized?
According to our Priest (we're Catholic), he said newborns are more susceptible to demons and evil spirits because babies still have the "Original Sin" attached to their souls. Only through baptism can the original sin be washed away. Once our son was baptized, we didn't experience any other issues.
No offense to your religion (Catholic), but if your priest was correct, then all babies and children would go to hell then if they were to die at that age.

My religion (Baptist) believes babies and kids are innocent of sin until they reach the age of accountability. (Knowing right from wrong). We believe all babies and kids go to heaven, thank God.
Gig 'em!
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PoohAh97 said:

That explains all the Baptists and Hindus complaining about their near-constant sleep interruptions due to ghosts.
That makes no sense Pooh...
Gig 'em!
$3 Sack of Groceries
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LewP said:

PoohAh97 said:

That explains all the Baptists and Hindus complaining about their near-constant sleep interruptions due to ghosts.
That makes no sense Pooh...
Ironic considering your post just preceding this one.

Anyway, it makes perfect sense. The point he's making that if Catholic babies are more "susceptible" to demons and evil then it would seem that they'd be exclusively targeted by said bad things. But they're not as people of all beliefs report this stuff.

For the record, I think the whole idea is bunk and get a pretty chuckle from this thread....but just thought I'd clear up for you what he meant.
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OK friendos, it is that time of year again. To begin, I would like to repost a recent Twitter thread by Fr. Brendon Laroche:

Ghosts are not at all metaphysically problematic. They only seem so because we lack proper discernment of spirits. There are numerous examples throughout hagiography of the souls of the deceased undergoing purgation being allowed to contact the living and request prayers by the grace of God. If that's not a ghost, you aren't playing by any popular definition of the term. Indeed, the practice of the Gregorian Masses, of saying 30 Masses in a row for the deceased to help finish their purgation, comes from just such a story recorded by Pope St. Gregory the Great in his "Diologues" that he says happened within his own monastery.

The problem comes when one looks at "spooky" phenomenon - what about the creaks and the bangs and the noises? What about the angry poltergeist-like activity? This is not ghosts, if by ghosts we mean the souls of the departed. If these phenomena are real and truth of preternatural origin, then they are demonic activity: obsession or infestation.

There is here a fundamental issue of discernment of spirits. This is something Shakespeare recognizes in Hamlet. Hamlet must discern whether the ghost was truly his father, in which case Hamlet has a duty to justice as son and rightful king, or whether it's a demon trying to trick him into becoming the slayer of his kin and king.
That is why the common analysis of Hamlet's tragic flaw as indecision is wrong. It is not indecision, but a necessary attempt at discernment of spirits.

Hamlet's real flaw is satanic pride: the desire to usurp God's judgment seat. He has an opportunity to execute his uncle after the truth is revealed by the play, but he refuses because his uncle is trying to pray and he doesn't want his uncle going to heaven.The proof that this analysis is correct is the fact that Hamlet's next act is to kill Polonius in his mother's chambers when he thinks it is his uncle, because now the risk of repentance at prayer isn't present. From this moment, all goes wrong for Hamlet.

I will note that there are cases that blur lines and make discernment of spirits more difficult. For example, a person who has no one alive left to pray for them may be allowed to seek prayers in connection to the places they frequented in life of died in. I'm acquainted with a priest who delt with such a phenomenon. A family dealing with visions of a man shot to death. The priest did some research and found a mobster had been killed there decades earlier. He offered Mass for the repose of the man's soul and the visions stopped.

The most important thing to remember is that nothing is more powerful than the grace of God received through the Sacraments. Regularly make a good confession and receive the Eucharist worthily and all will be well. Remember to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, especially those with no one to pray for them and those who have suffered the cleansing fire the longest. Remember that this not only helps the Holy Souls but also helps you to grow in grace through practicing a work of mercy.
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I wonder if ghosts that died in the 80's have aquanet hair or wear shirts that say Rad. All ghost sightings have ghosts wearing gowns and tattered non descript clothes. How come none have logos or jerseys? Is there a legal department in purgatory that addresses these copyright laws?
Uncle Howdy
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BeachBabe got a cool new handle
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Redstone "TLDR posts" are like reading the little essays on the SAT that you had to answer questions about.
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Rule #1 on Mimi
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a recent Twitter thread by Fr. Brendon Laroche
already saw it.
CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
combat wombat™
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$3 Sack of Groceries
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BenFiasco14 said:


a recent Twitter thread by Fr. Brendon Laroche
already saw it.

You should have read what GrandFr. Laroche wrote.
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Going to share an experience that happened to my younger brother when he was in high school. We grew up in one of those ready-built homes, so imagine a long house, my parents bathroom & bedroom on the far end of the house, my brothers' bedrooms on the other end, living room & kitchen in the middle.

My older brother and I are off to college, so my younger brother is on our end of the house all by himself. One night, my parents are out to a banquet or something, leaving little bro alone for the evening (watching tv or gaming all night). To set the stage even further, we lived in the country about 8-10 miles from town --- no neighbors even remotely close.

So little bro is gaming in his bedroom, and hears some sort of music/sound coming out of the bathroom on our end of the house. At some point, he decides he's heard it enough and wants to investigate. He opens the door of his bedroom, looks down the long hallway towards the bathroom, and stops in his tracks. From what I remember of his story, as soon as he opens the door and looks down the hallway, the sound stopped and two hands grip the door frame of the bathroom (as if someone where gripping the frame to pull themselves out) and a head starts to appear from the bathroom doorway.

Now I may not be explaining how this all looks clearly enough, but have you ever seen someone exercising that grabs onto a vertical pole and holds themselves horizontally on it? where it almost appears that they are floating and their feet aren't touching the ground? To pull this off effectively, it takes an immense amount of core strength to do properly (as well as grip strength).

The scary thing about my brother's story is, this is almost what this figure appeared to be doing, but on the upper-part of the bathroom frame/doorway. Once its hands appear, this thing's head starts to slowly peer out, my brother recognizes its head shape & hair, recognizing it as his own. Before he sees its forehead or eyes duck out from the doorway, he decides f-this and slams his door to his bedroom shut (or sprints past the bathroom and flies out of the house... I may be confusing what his reaction was vs. what I would have done in that situation).

He is convinced what he saw was his doppelganger (or fetch for those of Irish heritage), and that if he were to have waited around to see it's face, there is no telling what would have happened. Now I know my brother, he is a person of immense reason & thoughtfulness... not ever being one to embellish for embellishment's sake. If I were to have heard this story from any other person, I'd chalk it up to a made-up story for entertainment's sake. But to hear him take about it, to hear the detail & the fear he experienced, I for one cannot argue the validity of what he experienced.
Brian Earl Spilner
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The Fall Guy said:

Tarleton State University 1992 we went to an old house east of town that was known for a man named "Snow"(last name). It was said he killed his family and burned them in the fireplace. A group of us went there to screw around the place and the fireplace was still standing. One girl stuck her head in the chimney and started talking loudly. She pulled her head out and one of my friends looked white and started backing away. We looked at the chimney and some sort of green mist was coming out of the bottom of the fireplace. We started running and jumped in our trucks. We were driving off and the green mist had formed into a human shape and just stood there. I did not sleep for days and my roommate at my dorm room stayed at his girlfriends place because he saw how freaked out I was.
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And we are back.

Let me begin by plugging "Anything Ghost" podcast. Two big releases this week for 2020 Halloween:
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Here's the ghost of Monet overseeing an installation of his work

Research Cleveland Museum of Art Monet ghost

Shakes the Clown
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Since COVID, I've seen all of these videos(not sure how many, but I'd guess 90-120.

His Channel is the best IMO.

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People rarely get mad at me when they find out I don't believe in God. They rarely get mad at me when they find out I don't believe in homeopathy or crystals or any number of new age nonsense.

People get PISSED when they find out I think ghosts aren't real. I don't know why people get so deeply attached to the "ghost" story they or someone they know experienced. It's crazy to me how emotional people get about ghosts.
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I used to do a fair amount of ghost hunting when I was younger and have caught odd recordings and a picture or two of misty apparitions. But I honestly can't believe anything I see on those ghost hunting tv shows or big youtube channels as being real. If they're good enough to edit a decent video then they're probably good enough to edit in some things. Sure some of them might be fun to watch to make fun of but I just can't take them seriously.
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Not sure if I believe or not, but I want to believe I was visited by two loved ones that had passed. The visit was within days of their passing and no such encounter since.

I'm also open to it simply being my mind working through the grieving process. Either way, it has sparked my interest in the paranormal. A team I'm with, Deep Woods Paranormal, will be doing a live investigation at the Woodbine hotel on October 31st. I approach things purely scientific. I have theories about "spirits" that involve particle physics and the law of conservation of energy. If nothing else, this project, and the way I approach it, has increased my understanding of the physical world.
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TxSquarebody said:

Not sure if I believe or not, but I want to believe I was visited by two loved ones that had passed. The visit was within days of their passing and no such encounter since.

I'm also open to it simply being my mind working through the grieving process. Either way, it has sparked my interest in the paranormal. A team I'm with, Deep Woods Paranormal, will be doing a live investigation at the Woodbine hotel on October 31st. I approach things purely scientific. I have theories about "spirits" that involve particle physics and the law of conservation of energy. If nothing else, this project, and the way I approach it, has increased my understanding of the physical world.

I'm curious about this, are y'all going to have the whole hotel to yall selves or are there going to be guests there as well? Did your team just call up the owner and ask "hey we're a paranormal team and we want to check out your hotel can we do that?" Or did your team rent out every room just so y'all could do it?
Corn Pop
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TxSquarebody said:

Not sure if I believe or not, but I want to believe I was visited by two loved ones that had passed. The visit was within days of their passing and no such encounter since.

I'm also open to it simply being my mind working through the grieving process. Either way, it has sparked my interest in the paranormal. A team I'm with, Deep Woods Paranormal, will be doing a live investigation at the Woodbine hotel on October 31st. I approach things purely scientific. I have theories about "spirits" that involve particle physics and the law of conservation of energy. If nothing else, this project, and the way I approach it, has increased my understanding of the physical world.

After my grandfather, who I was extremely close with, passed away I had - and still do - some incredibly vivid dreams about waking up with him sitting at the foot of the bed. We'll talk about life decisions I have coming up, stresses I have, etc. A lot of the things we'd talk about while he was alive. My family jokes that I took on his role in the family and how much more like him I become as the years progress. It's just my subconscious working my way through stresses in life with a trusted source.
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Great question! We have permission from the owner to investigate the property. A few members have booked overnight, the rest of us will leave afterwards. We will invite other guests to join us and respect the privacy of those that don't. Being only 12 rooms in the entire hotel helps.
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Redstone said:

Here's the ghost of Monet overseeing an installation of his work

Research Cleveland Museum of Art Monet ghost

Not saying ghosts aren't real, but if I'm a ghost and have the ability to go anywhere, I'm not going to Cleveland
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TheArtistFormerlyKnownAs said:

People rarely get mad at me when they find out I don't believe in God. They rarely get mad at me when they find out I don't believe in homeopathy or crystals or any number of new age nonsense.

People get PISSED when they find out I think ghosts aren't real. I don't know why people get so deeply attached to the "ghost" story they or someone they know experienced. It's crazy to me how emotional people get about ghosts.

Maybe you are just a jerk?
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