Can anyone here seriously say they have seen a ghost?

357,201 Views | 1531 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by Caesar4
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Honest to god, my bed would shake for like 10 seconds about once a week in the middle of the night back in my old duplex. It was a very subtle shaking, and nothing violent. Unless I was awake, I would not feel it. I pretty much slept on the couch all last semester.

I have zero explanations.
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I stayed at a creepy old house in Europe. Just got a really bad vibe from the place and would hear all kinds of strange noises in the place at night. I would get like 4 hours of sleep a night.

There was a small window for airflow which I kept cracked and a large window that stayed closed.

What happened one night was like a bad scene from a B horror movie. I woke up at like 3am the big window was wide open and this incredible wind was blowing the curtains at like a 90 degree angle.

I got out of bed and was literally having to fight for each step I made towards the window with this wind pushing against me.

Dont know how the metal window got opened I never opened it. Dont know WTF that ridiculous wind was or how it got inside the room through the window. Glad I never have to go back to that creepy house.
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I once saw a little girl standing in the doorway to my room, staring at me. I freaked out and screamed bloody murder until my parents came into my room. I was about 7 or 8 at the time. Scariest thing was, I saw the very same girl the following night. Never saw her again after that though. It still scares me to this day.

And also, this thread is seriously freaking me out...
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When I lived alone / Is there a ghost in my house?
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Few stories:

My friend's grandparents' house was haunted. He told us that he had seen figures in the hallways, lights would turn on and off by themselves, and he said he could hear pots and pans rattling every now and then when he was there alone. Also, this is the freakiest part, but right after his great grandma died (his grandpa's mom), her name showed up in the woodgrain of one of the cabinets. Plain as day.

Also, in a small town near ours, there was this cemetery way out in the middle of nowhere. You had to drive like 30 minutes down this dirt road to get there and it was pitch dark because there were no lights anywhere near there, and all of the houses were old and run down. It was pretty creepy. Anyway, they say that one of the graves belonged to an actual witch from the 1800's. There was this huge tree in the corner of the cemetery, and underneath was this headstone with a bunch of crazy writing on it.
Well, we go out there one night and there's this blue orb light just kind of slowly floating around the cemetery. Well, if that wasn't weird enough, we're all standing around, and someone sees this old farmer image coming up behind us, so we take off running, and one of my friends said that he felt something touch his shoulder.
So, we fly down the road and go to the nearest gas station. My friend who said he felt something grab his shoulder has scratch marks all over his back for no apparent reason and the car is covered in dust from the road, but there are a bunch of tiny baby like handprints all over it.
I'm still creeped out talking about it.
Squilliam Fancyson
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Arkag lay off the sauce
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When I was about 12 years old, I went to a summer camp for kids sponsored by the Corpus Christi YMCA for about a week. We loaded up on a bus and headed to somewhere near Bandera. It had a great indoor/outdoor pavilion and about 10 cabins on a hill, overlooking a nice big field before before the trees lining the banks of the Medina River.

Some of the counselors told a few of us campers throughout the week about how the site was located above an indian burial ground (to scare us, of course)...but they also told with great detail of this floating orb they'd see sometimes at night out over the river or this huge figure they'd sometimes see around the basketball court in the darkness. It was enough to give me a good scare, but I liked that sort of thing.

The last night of camp, a few of the "good campers" were picked to stay in a cabin closer to the woods called "The Fox Box" - all the cabins had their own names, but i distinctly remember this one. Luckily, I was one of the campers who got to sleep there that night.

I can't remember what time was bedtime, but I was having trouble sleeping when I started to hear noises from outside the cabin. It began as "whooshing" sounds, and then it was the sound of the sides of the cabin being beaten on. These sounds alternated for some time, and then I realized that the "whooshing" sound was the sound of shovels picking up loads of dirt. There were multiple shovels outside the cabin operating in this manner and I was getting pretty freaked out. It didn't appear that any of the other campers were awake to me, but I was too scared to make a move. The banging and shoveling continued and I was frozen with terror. Suddenly, they all stopped in unison and the door to the cabin swung open. As soon as this happened, I pulled the covers over my head. I began to hear footsteps and shortly after, the door was closed again. I could not bring myself to come out from under the covers until the next morning. I must have fallen asleep at some point.

The next morning, I examined the ground around the cabin. The earth had not been broken. I know I distinctly heard shoveling the night before. It was not a dream because I was so tired the next day..the way you are after a night of not sleeping.

Maybe my head was playing games with me, or maybe the counselors played an elaborate trick on a bunch of 12-13 year olds. Its more fun to think of it as a true ghostly encounter.
Squilliam Fancyson
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aggie21 you are safe.
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True story that happened to me.

About 3 month ago, I was visiting my parent's house for the day. Later on that day, during the evening, my mom went into her bedroom to get something. She was taking a while, so I decided to wait for her in the family living room. While I'm standing in the living room, I decide to take a close look at all the framed family photos resting on the mantle piece, located above the fireplace.

So I'm standing in front of the mantle piece, staring at each photo, when I arrive at the photograph of my much-loved Grandpa. His photo is positioned in the center of the mantle piece, as a focal point, with a little statue of the Virgin Mary placed next to his photo. Out of respect for my dear Grandpa, I kissed my fingertips and then transfered them to his face in the photo. Then I proceeded to pick up the tiny statue of the Virgin Mary, and bring it to my lips to kiss it. As I kissed the little statue of the Virgin Mary, not a moment before, or a moment after, but at PRECISELY THE SAME TIME, the chandelier lights, hanging in the centre of the family room, suddenly began to flicker. I immediately turned around to look at the lights and, with my own eyes, I saw them steadily dim down to no power (my parent's do not have a light dimmer), and the electricity in the entire house cuts out. My eyes were still glued to the chandelier lights, which were now off, when suddenly, the lights instantly powered back to normal, and then I heard a distant "beeeep" sound made by the inbuilt oven clock from the kitchen.

I just stood there with the statue of the Virgin Mary in my hand, in utter shock and astonishment. I couldn't believe it. I immediately returned the Virgin Mary statue to the mantle piece, and just said, "Oh my God." Then I called out to my mom and asked, "Did you SEE that!!?" Unfortunately, she was in her room and was unaware of what had just happened. Curiously, the lights in her bedroom were unaffected. I then asked, "But did you hear the beep sound of the oven clock from the kitchen!?", and she said she did.

I was pretty shaken up about it afterwards, but I can tell you, this was the FREAKIEST thing that has ever happened to me.

[This message has been edited by Kempster (edited 8/5/2008 11:54p).]
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I've had some strange things happen.

One radio alarm I had as a teenager would play music on its own at night, before I had gone to sleep. It was faint but very much there. I remember thinking, "well, I'm wide awake. This is weird."

One other time, again when I was wide awake, a black, slender, bird-like demon entity placed itself vertically about an inch from my face. Small, red eyes, sharp, steel-like teeth. It disappeared quickly, thank God.

I've also had very, very, clear and distinct answers to questions I've posed in my head, immediately and not of myself, but that's only happened twice, maybe because I haven't done that in about 6 years.

More later.
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i've never been able to read this thread. i get scared. i suck.



2008 Auburn Football
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Sharkenleo, can you confirm? I contend Fowler.

Let me say this another way - It was Appelt.
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It was Appelt. I lived there at the time.
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i done see one not too long ago.

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When I was 14-15 years old, I woke up in the middle of the night and swear I saw a figure at the end of my bed. I did the whole eye squinting, rubbing, etc. I wasn't scared.... to this day I don't think of it as a ghost but instead a guardian angel. (it's the only justification that doesn't scare the crap out of me.)

all i can think of is "No Daddy No!!!"

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Whoop for a TexAgs ghost hunting expedition! count me in!!!
but yall have to call me sh****, i will bring my dog

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that's stupid, everyone knows there's no such thing as a black aggie

not cool you son of a bee

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Check this.
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I too have had that sleep paralysis thing happen and it is absolutely terrifying.

me, too

I was lying on my couch and I heard some man enter our apartment and come up beside me and run his fingers through my hair, I was severly freaked out and woke up soaking wet...I figured I was just so tired I hallucinted
B-1 83
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"Ghosts?????? I thought you said goats!"

Old joke.
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Only weird thing that's ever happened to me:

When I was about 12, a friend and I were in my room talking when our attention is inexplicably drawn to a picture on my wall. No reason; we just both are drawn to this picture. After we both turn our heads to look at it, the picture falls with a slight arc (not straight down as it should) and in slow motion and crashes down on the floor.

My friend and I look at each other for what seems like minutes with a "did that really just happen?" look on our faces. To this day I still have that moment in my memory. Not really scary (nothing else really happened in that house like that) but just weird.
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pretty sure it was Appelt 316...I lived in ghost stories though
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When I was newbie in the Coast Guard I worked at the seamanship office. The office when you enter has all the old relics from Coast Guard ships that have been lost to tragedy. When I arrived to open the office I noticed to Coasties standing at the helm that was on display there in the foyer. I unlocked the door and they turned around and I asked how did you get in here? They replied thru the aft bulkhead door. Mind you they were both officers that I had never seen before and said to them polietly "sirs I need to know how you got in here to make sure that someone who locked up the night before did not leave a door open". they said again the aft bulkhead door. I said I'll go check it. Door was locked and I came back and they were gone. 30 min. later the chief that was my boss came in and I immediatly told him there were to officers in here and the doors were locked. He looked at me with a plain face and said "you saw them"/ and I said saw who? And he replied the officer and the XO from the Blackburn. I said who are they and he said They died in that shipwreck!

Still get goose bumps from that.

[This message has been edited by CoastGuardAg00 (edited 8/6/2008 2:39p).]
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Not really a ghost story, still a little strange...

In the house I lived in my last year at A&M, I use to hear sounds late at night that I couldn't explain. My room was located right across the hall from the garage, and sometimes I would hear noises coming from the garage late at night. Several times I would hear a noise that sounded like someone had just slammed the door to the washer/dryer. The first couple of times a heard it, I figured it was one of my three roomates who might have been finishing up their laundry after I went to bed. However, I eventually figured out that it couldn't have been them. On many nights I was the last to go to bed and made sure that all the doors were locked, including the one to the garage. I specifically locked the door to the garage knowing that it makes a lot of noise when someone opens it because it always gets stuck and you have to jar it open. Anyways, so after lying in bed for a while, I would hear the loud noise from the garage and immediately get out of bed and look around to see what it was, always expecting to to see one of my roomates walking back to their rooms with laundry or something. Only thing is, their was never anybody there, and the door would always be closed and locked just as I had left it, and I never heard it open either. I told my roomates about it and they never heard anything since they weren't near the garage. I originally thought it could have been house noises, but after hearing it several more times I realized that it sounded exactly like the dryer, and it always happened around the same time (a little after midnight).

Not scary, but definitely pretty weird.
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7 years ago my wife and I were living in an apartment while waiting for our 1st home to be built. A couple of times we'd wake up both thinking someone was sitting on the corner of the bed (we both felt the bed sink in the corner). Finally, one night we both woke up to see a figure of a man wearing an old business hat standing in our doorway. We looked at each other, and then back to where the figure was. Unfortunately, he was gone. The figure looked just like my grandfather who passed several years before. I have, and will always look at the door in any home I am in if I wake up in the middle of the night.
Tree Hugger
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We will need to revive this thread if I ever come back to B/CS
Tree Hugger
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We will need to revive this thread if I ever come back to B/CS
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The spirit's real.
Diamond Geezer
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it's october...
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Omar Little
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HAlloween bump
Omar Little
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i was laying in the bottom bunk bed. woke up in the middle of the night. turned over and my bro was gone to the parents room. i looked up and saw SLIMER, clear as day, on our horse. i was so scared, looked back at the wall with my face crammed in the corner and didnt move. couldnt work up the courage to run to the parents room. eventually passed out...

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Paranormal Activity pre Halloween bump...

Any new ghost stories?
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