Can anyone here seriously say they have seen a ghost?

357,208 Views | 1531 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by Caesar4
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It's almost that special time, friendos.
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All humans are embodied spirits

Ghosts (uncrossed spirits) - exist
Spirits (crossed into the light) - exist
Angels (9 choirs, led by Michael of the 8th choir) - exist
Demons (fallen angels) - exist
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By weeks end I will post here the photo of the ghost that not too long ago walked / stood behind my wife and nephew, as I sat and took their photo.
Uncle Howdy
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I expelled some demons this morning right before I left for work
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When a person dies, the light follows their spirit for approximately one week. Loved ones can be seen, but not heard.

After that, it closes. The spirit, usually if they not fear judgement / life review, can make their way to another recently dead person to rekindle the light.

Crossed spirits can appear in dreams, ghosts cannot.
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All humans are energy. Traumatic events, especially battles, can leave an "imprint." This is residual energy, and may or may not also concern ghosts / spirits.
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Redstone said:

All humans are embodied spirits

Ghosts (uncrossed spirits) - exist
Spirits (crossed into the light) - exist
Angels (9 choirs, led by Michael of the 8th choir) - exist
Demons (fallen angels) - exist
Spyderman sock?
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Don't believe?

Some of this can be validated only by the standards of materialism:
We have many hundreds of documented cases from hospitals, where patients - clinically dead - "come back" and report details of conversations, activities, and objects (such as those stuck on a hospital roof).
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chipotle said:

CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
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Exorcism is a prayer. Sometimes it is very simple, sometimes it is a rite.

According to the deceased chief exorcist of the Diocese of Rome, Fr. Amorth, we witness:
harassment, oppression, possession, perfect possession.
Possessed and perfectly possessed are humans who in some way subjugated their will.

The Catholic Church's standards for the exorcism rite are very high: medical evaluations and then religious tests.
But how else to help someone with detailed knowledge of foreign languages and secret sins, who curses against God and has on occasion superhuman strength?
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Although I've never experienced a ghost, my dad told me a story nearly 18 years ago that I won't forget.

My parents were sleeping in the guest room at my grandmothers and it was the only room that had a baby crib. In the middle of the night, Dad woke up to the sound of my infant brother laughing. When he glanced to the crib, he noticed baby bro also sitting up, which amazingly was the first time he had witnessed that. But before getting up to tend to him, he kept watching as bro was laughing and squirming almost as if he was being tickled, all while not breaking a stare. We think the tickler spirit may have been my grandfather who died in the same room 6 years earlier.
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Shortly after we moved into our house 4 years ago (built in 1990), we woke up one morning to realize the chair that's normally off in the corner of our master bedroom had been moved right up near the bed in a position that someone would have taken if they wanted to watch my wife sleep. We still haven't been able to figure that one out. Creeped us both out and we installed a security system shortly after that.
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Posted this originally in AO, guess I'll post it here too

When I was in college at A&M, I was briefly fascinated with astral projection. For those that don't know what that is, basically, it's where you separate your soul from your body and can wander the spirit world, supposedly at least. You can essentially soar around the world, flying, or have other "powers" and such in your spirit body. That's the TLDR version. I read so much about it and decided to try it myself.

After reading a lot of guides online I decided to give it a go one night while I was falling asleep. The key was to keep yourself somewhat conscious while entering REM sleep, or I guess based on some posts in here, that semi conscious state that you might experience sleep paralysis in.

The method, according to what I was going off of was lying on your back with your arm up perpendicular, elbow down, so making an upright L. As you begin to doze off, your arm would fall but you restraighten it each time. Meanwhile, you imagine in your head a fixed object somewhere, for me it was a cardboard box, and you imagine yourself zooming out of it, or flying away from it. Over and over.

Now I was skeptical about all this going in, but the guide said if you're doing it successfully you'll see first:

Colors in your black peripheral, and then

Vibrations over your entire body and the colors get more intense

Well, sure as hell, I started seeing streams of neon colors enter into my peripheries from "the back" meaning, as I was staring into the blackness, ribbons of neon light were pouring into my view as I kept imaging myself zooming out from the box, focused back in on it, and zooming back out.

Then I started feeling a tingling in my toes and feet. Sort of like when your foot is falling asleep. But then, that feeling grew all over my body. It felt like my entire body was vibrating

At this point the guide said picture your body floating towards the ceiling.

So I did and the vibrations grew more and more intense. It felt like I was vibrating violently all over and it felt like ecstasy. Sorry to be crass, but it felt like I was having orgasm over orgasm. The feeling was overwhelming. I kept imaging myself floating from my body and the feeling became so overwhelming I panicked. And the colors were everywhere.

I wanted it to stop. It took a good solid seconds of time to refocus my energy back on my perpendicular arm. I kept thinking SNAP OUT OF IT, SNAP OUT OF IT and my body was frozen (because I was indeed I guess in that sleep paralysis state).

Eventually i did finally snap out of it and the vibrations ceased, but in a way that I can only describe as warm water washing over you like after you turn off the shower head. I felt like I was "tugged" back down to my bed. My arm was still in a perpendicular position.

And I felt creepy as hell. I never attempted such a thing again, although after this experience I did have sleep paralysis twice which was terrifying but I knew what it was due to my research. I saw aliens and demons in my room.

Then there was another experience a few years later after this where I was taking a nap on my side on a Sunday afternoon then had this feeling like someone has grabbed my shoulder and was trying to rip me from my body. I heard a raspy, sinister voice that said something, I don't recall exactly what it was, but a booming voice replied "NO" and the feeling eventually went away.

This was all years ago now, 4+. Haven't felt anything like it since. Hope I don't ever again.

Looking back at it, maybe that astral projection crap was real and I inadvertently opened myself up to malevolent spirits, ghosts, demons, I don't know, and they hung around me for awhile after that. I have no idea.

TLDR don't attempt astral projection no matter how interesting you think it sounds.

CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
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I missed my deadline, but here is the photo. I understand if you think "fake."

Well, it's not. Here is the story.

My wife and I were babysitting our niece and nephew at their house. I sat on the floor and snapped some shots. There was nothing behind that couch. We did not "feel" or "see" anything this evening of about 2 years ago.

The man is not blurred, and I blurred the faces of my wife and nephew.

Her uncle is a gifted medium (we all are "mediums," btw, because we are embodied spirits)....
he thinks it's either an old man attached to an object (many items from a European country in the house), or an uncrossed ghost (not yet in the light) attracted to the energy of the children (a very common phenomenon).

Ghosts are real. Crossed spirits are real. Angels and demons are real.
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They're attracted to kitchens too
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You're haunted by a bald fat guy who wears a hoodie. Lame.
CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
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Looks like a friar
"Life's tough, but I'm tougher."
Uncle Howdy
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Everything in that photo is blurry
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My family has three cabins between Junction and Rocksprings. They are all over 100 years old. The Texas Rangers tracked down some outlaws and had a shootout on the property, killing one of the robbers. There is a historical marker detailing the event located on the highway next to the property.

My dad will sometimes offer one specific cabin as an auction item for fundraisers for a weekend as the property is located on a river. Multiple groups who have stayed in the cabin, and who do not know each other, have told my dad they have seen a man in "cowboy attire" walk down the dirt road between two of the cabins at dusk.

My dad mentioned this to the guy who lives next door and he told my dad that he sees the man all the time. And that the man disappears once he reaches the field below the cabins.
South Llano
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I have always believed without seeing, but had two encounters a little more than a year apart. An old man that I had been really close friends with passed away. Within a couple of days, when I was alone and quite his voice came to me and we had a brief conversation. He basically was telling me that everything was great. Maybe it was just my own mind dealing with the loss?

The next year I lost my mother. We had a strained relationship for some 12 years prior. There was a stretch of about 5 years I didn't speak with her because of something trivial I was angry about. We had begun repairing things when she passed, but communication was still sporadic. I spent the last five days next to her in the hospital, only one of which she was conscious. I apologized so many times and asked for her forgiveness. Again, two days after passing, her voice comes to me saying "I forgive you". Startled, I turned to see her there with me. Again it was brief, maybe five minutes or so, but I could see her, feel her, and there was conversation. I haven't seen her since, but every now and then I get the feeling she is close by.
Floor it until you see God
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BenFiasco14 said:

So I did and the vibrations grew more and more intense. It felt like I was vibrating violently all over and it felt like ecstasy. Sorry to be crass, but it felt like I was having orgasm over orgasm. The feeling was overwhelming.

Sure it wasn't a wet dream? Just messing with you.


Looking back at it, maybe that astral projection crap was real and I inadvertently opened myself up to malevolent spirits, ghosts, demons, I don't know, and they hung around me for awhile after that. I have no idea.

I believe there is something to this. The opening up yourself or Inviting of spirits part. In a lot of books I've read on the subject this is a common occurrence of people that have had issues with the supernatural. It's a big part of the book Demonologists by Ed and Lorraine Warren. That book isn't scary in the traditional way. It's more a journal of case studies but the more you absorb what you read it's pretty fascinating/terrifying.
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Talon2DSO said:

Looks like a friar
Or Uncle Fester
B-1 83
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The Wife and I were commenting the other night that we haven't seen Teacher Wife walk through since the wedding. Perhaps she's happy we've tied the knot and everything's official.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Sure. That's what it is.
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Brian Earl Spilner
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Shakes the Clown
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I listened to the entire 4 hour show on C2C(I'm a subscriber).

Take a listen.
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BenFiasco14 said:

Looking back at it, maybe that astral projection crap was real and I inadvertently opened myself up to malevolent spirits, ghosts, demons, I don't know, and they hung around me for awhile after that. I have no idea.

TLDR don't attempt astral projection no matter how interesting you think it sounds.

Ben is this for real ? I didn't quote entire post for brevity reasons, but I am referring to the entire experience you posted about.

If so, that is really creepy.
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IDAGG said:

BenFiasco14 said:

Looking back at it, maybe that astral projection crap was real and I inadvertently opened myself up to malevolent spirits, ghosts, demons, I don't know, and they hung around me for awhile after that. I have no idea.

TLDR don't attempt astral projection no matter how interesting you think it sounds.

Ben is this for real ? I didn't quote entire post for brevity reasons, but I am referring to the entire experience you posted about.

If so, that is really creepy.
Yes, it is. Posted exactly as how I can remember it. It is still vivid in my head to this day when I think about the whole thing. Definitely the creepiest experience I have ever had.
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I was naive when I first entered the Army. Two wars were going on, but to me it was an easy way out of a life that was leading nowhere. Three short months after signing up, I found myself in basic training at the school of hard knocks in Ft. Knox, KY.

Basic training was manageable, for the most part. Wake up, get dressed in total darkness, and run to stand at attention before the drill sgt shows up. Push ups, running, sit ups, pull ups, yelling, breakfast, drills, classes, push ups, lunch, push ups, yelling, yelling, push ups, dinner, sleep, repeat. After a couple of weeks, it was my new normal.

Things progressed as smoothly as could be expected until one late afternoon about a week before graduation.

During basic training, one thing bothered me more than anything. It wasn't the yelling or the grueling physical activity, but the latrine situation. 30 new soldiers, one latrine, 10 toilets, zero stalls. It took some getting used to. To make matters worse, everyone woke up, ate, and slept at the same time. More often than not, you were sitting right next to five or six similarly unwilling and awkward neighbors while doing your business.

That afternoon a week before graduation was when I saw, or saw the absence of, my first "ghost"I was sitting on the toilet after a particularly heavy dinner of baked chicken and mashed potatoes from the dining facility. As I felt the refuse eagerly exiting my body, I realized I had neglected to complete my daily duty the prior afternoon. Excited to examine the two day backup, I turned around and peaked down to see what I had created.

I was later told by my reluctant neighbors that my face had turned as white as the porcelain upon which I sat. My eyes scanned the calm water below and I struggled to comprehend the scene. Nothing. Perfectly still water and some off colored stain from a previous deposit. No turd. Not even the ripple of a recently flushed turd. A Ghost Turd.

After that day, I became a believer in the split between the physical and spiritual realms. I had relieved myself of 48+ hours of waste. I felt it exit my body. I felt the relief and light-footed mood of a post production ecstasy. I now know that this was only in a spiritual sense; that turd did not exist in the physical world.

I have found it difficult to talk about in the years since I laid that fateful ghost to rest. I'm glad TexAgs has given me an outlet to finally share my experience, and I hope it serves you well.

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A Ghost Turd.
CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
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BenFiasco14 said:

And I felt creepy as hell. I never attempted such a thing again, although after this experience I did have sleep paralysis twice which was terrifying but I knew what it was due to my research. I saw aliens and demons in my room.

OK Ben, given that I am familiar with your posting history, especially on the Politics Board and you seem to be a pretty rational guy, your recounting of your experience is actually bothering me a bit for that very don't appear to be a crack-pot.. So two questions:
1) The aliens and demons. Was that during that experience or in the sleep paralysis episodes you experienced at a later date?
2) In what context did you see these entities and what did they look like?

And I realize that I may be gullible here and you are seeing who falls for your story. Again, you seem, level-headed and that is why I am even asking these questions. Assuming you aren't yanking our chains, your experiences are the very definition of scary as hell.
Uncle Howdy
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I think he saw them while having sleep paralysis. I've had sleep paralysis once or twice and saw a "demon" each time
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