I watched both episodes tonight with my kids, who are twins themselves, thus making the Mae-Osha discussion fairly lively.
A few of my own observations from the second go-round.
1) When Indara says something like "The Jedi don't attack the unarmed", Mae is very angry when she replies "Yes you do" - sounds like a key to the past incident.
2) When Indara pulls Mae's mask down, she asks, "What are you doing here?" - Does she know it's Mae or think it's Osha? Later on, Torbin clearly knows that it's Mae who comes to attack him.
3) While I am about 97% sure that they are not the same person at this point, I encourage you to re-watch the scene where Osha discovers Torbin is dead. She isn't the least-bit upset about it, and sort of just takes her time looking him over. Considering he's the one who Mae said should "confess his crime", I wonder if he did something particularly bad during whatever happened - and did he get the giant scar on his face in the process? And does Osha remember him doing it, and thus isn't too upset about him dying?
4) A couple of times we hear Jedi being alarmed about someone training others in the Force outside of the order - Indara says it on her comm early on, and Sol says it twice, in regards to the Master. That hubris that the the Jedi are the only ones who can use the Force ties into something Luke tells Rey in TLJ -"That Force Does Not Belong To The Jedi. To Say That If The Jedi Die, The Light Dies, Is Vanity."
Seeing how these Jedi clearly see anyone else using the Force as a threat makes me wonder if what happened on Mae/Osha's planet was not them getting recruited by the Jedi, but the team of Indara, Kelbacca, Sol, and Tormin going to investigate/confront a group/cult of Force users doing their own thing. And when push came to shove, it ended in a fire that killed everyone but Osha (almost).
5. This was too deep a cut for me to know, but apparently in the comics there is the appearance of the Barash Vow, which Torbin has taken. It shows up in a Vader comic from several years ago. A jedi had taken it before Order 66 and was not recognized by the clones as a Jedi while in the trance. He wakes up and gets summarily killed by Vader. The Barash Vow is defined as something a Jedi takes to remove themselves from all Jedi activities after making a grave mistake.