Ag In Ok said:
I can see your point, however the underlying assumption is the Warren commission had all of the relevant information. The CIA stood in opposition to that and only provided what they wanted to.
I don't believe we will ever have all of the relevant information. What we have is what we have which is the shame in all of this.
There has been not a single shred of evidence ever released that would lead anyone to believe that the CIA was involved in any way, other than knowing that Oswald could have been dangerous and not following up or sharing the evidence.
I don't think the CIA shared everything, but there is also no evidence that they held back anything substantive about the actual assassination or any knowledge or conspiracies regarding it. Also, the House Select Committee on Assassinations also dove deep into it, and they also found no conspiracies and no evidence linking Oswald to the CIA, no evidence of Oswald conspiring with anyone, no evidence of anyone else taking a shot from anywhere.
And in the six decades since the assassination, not a single person has come forward with any evidence that there was a conspiracy. We have had so many classified document leaks. Deep Throat, Snowdon, Manning, Ames, Hanssen, all the KGB spies, etc and none have ever released anything substantive.
If you were the KGB and you got your hands on evidence that the CIA or LBJ offed JFK, isnt that the most insanely valuable evidence that a US coup actually and they pinned it on a patsy? That's worth more than nuclear locations. But nothing.
Or if you worked for basic government salary and pension all your life and loved JFK and knew he was murdered by your colleagues... you can take the information public and create generational wealth for you, rather than live off your pension and social security after making meh money for your career. Yet no one did that.
Any CIA type of conspiracy just doesn't pass the logic test.