RGV AG said:
Yet again you boil things down to hard, known, and verifiable acts. Question for you, do you think all the supposition that existed after the assassination and then throughout the following 3 decades could have been addressed in a more open and conclusive manner than it was?
First of all, really really great post.
I absolutely believe the there was information suppressed from the general public and the Warren Commission. But a lot of that suppressed information has come out over the years. I think most of it was more the CIA doing CYA than suppressing anything that had to do with a conspiracy. I think that a conspiracy would have to be WAY too wide ranging for it to have actually worked, and it would have had to have happened in WAY too little time. Remember, the head guy in Secret Service in charge of the Texas protection wasn't even getting/approving the parade route until Nov 18th and it was first published on the 21st, which is why on the 21st, LHO asked Frazier to bring him to Marina's "to get curtain rods."
Because my belief is that most of the suppressed information was CYA stuff, I don't believe that it would have had any bearing on public opinion. I think it had more to do with the CIA being aware of Oswald, the CIA into really doing anything about him or investigating him as close as they should, the CIA spying on Mexico, Cuba, and Russia, and not passing information on to the FBI. I'll go into it later in addressing your other questions, but De Mohrenschildt had asked LHO if he shot at General Walker and LHO just made a sly smile. GDM said that he reported that to his contacts at the CIA. This was in April 63. Did they ever really investigate it or pass it to the FBI? Because if they had, they could have ended the threat before summer.
If indeed LHO acted alone and there was no conspiracy, just as you lay out a very strong case, could those in government not have done so clearly, and more important, and openly to quash all the speculation?
I think that there was always going to be speculation. No one wants to believe that the most powerful man in the world can be killed by a lone nut. But we saw with Squeaky Fromme on Ford, John Hinckley on Reagan, Garfield, McKinnley, Lincoln, etc that it does happen (or come close to happening.)
In addition, the KGB had an active disinformation campaign that was stoking the fire of conspiracy. They were afraid that because Oswald was a Soviet defector, that blame would fall on them. The Soviets knew JFK was a very charismatic and popular president (even if he wasn't that good of a president.) They also knew LBJ was a scoundrel and not as popular. They believed that if they got the American public to believe that the US Military, Intelligence, or LBJ killed Kennedy, there would be a massive upheaval in the US for the successful coup. I forgot the book where an ex-KGB agent that defected shared this in, but it was not specifically about the JFK assassination, but he talks about why the KGB worked on this disinformation. I'll see if I can find it. But the
Paesa Sera was the Italian newspaper that the KGB first planted the story about a CIA conspiracy. That article was republished all over the world, eventually in a communist paper in NYC
National Guardian (funded by the KGB) that got Jim Garrison interested. After Garrison arrested Clay Shaw, the
Paesa Sera started running stories about how Shaw was the CIA operative that ran the operation that killed Kennedy. The KGB got exactly what they wanted.
No one wants to believe that a loser asshat like Oswald or Hinckley or that incel in Butler, PA could get shots off on the President. And the KGB expertly fed into that feeling with their worldwide disinformation campaign.
I don't really know what the government could have done better to fight against the KGB disinformation. But the overwhelming belief BEFORE the KGB planted these stories was that LHO did it. But this is probably the most successful disinformation campaign in the history of the world.
As I have mentioned previously, I always have questioned LHO and his stint, and travel to, CDMX as it strikes me as totally odd. It is possible that, I suppose and tell myself, that the CIA and FBI participated in the cloudiness around all of this due to them discounting LHO as a bumbling fool when there were so many signs, and detailed and noted actions, of him being an obvious "commie" and anti-American actor, be he a dolt or not.
Yeah, and I think you know way more than I do about that. It is absolutely odd. Everything about it is. And I think that most of what we don't know concerns that trip. I think some of that is because the CIA had been told by GDM that Oswald took the shots on Walker, then was in the Russian/Cuban embassies in CDMX and they still did little to nothing about him. How was the information handled about both these events? This is what I am most interested in finding out about.
I have also always discounted the Cuban/Russian angle as the single biggest thing that gave Castro legitimacy and rallied internal support for him was the failed Bay of Pigs deal. To risk discovery of having anything, even close, to do with the killing of an American president would have likely started WWIII to which at the time the USSR knew was a no win situation for them. Direct "hot" confrontation was not the strategy of the communists at the time.
Yeah, 100%. Also, there is the theory that JFK didn't want to escalate in Vietnam... so why would Russia want to kill him and bring in warhawk LBJ? There are theories that the American military machine wanted JFK dead so they could have their war in Vietnam, too.
Plus the fact that they didn't know where the motorcade was going to be until like the day before. LHO found out likely by reading the paper at work (he was known to do that) and then changed his plans and got Frazier to take him home to get his rifle. But on that little amount of time, how would the KGB or Cubans activate the ultimate sleeper cell?
Given all the events, the actors, and those surrounding the occurrence I will always retain a bigger than tiny shred of doubt that there could have been some kind of plot. Could LHO been one of many or a few "lone wolf's" that via the CIA were "wound up" in the case of there needing to be something done at some point? Ruby could possibly have been another?
I think Ruby thought there would be parades celebrating him for killing Oswald. When Oswald was supposed to be transported, Ruby was at Western Union. Oswald himself objected to the perp walk because he only had a undershirt and he demanded a proper shirt or sweater, which ended up being that sweater he was killed in. Oswald himself is the one that delayed his own transportation and if he did the perp walk in his undershirt, Ruby wouldn't have been there to shoot him.
There are just so many things surrounding, and ancillary to, the JFK assassination that on a personal level I just can't help but believe that there was some intentional "muddying of the waters" done. To what extent? I just don't know.
I agree. So many weird things about the case, which is why it is so interesting to keep coming back to.
The whole person of De Mohrenschildt, and even Ruby, as well as several other characters is just head scratching to me and when combined with the trip to Mexico and other LHO activities the head scratching is compounded.
Think about this, look at De Mohrenschildt's background and his circle of friends and such; how and why in the world would he have anything to do with LHO? And then De Mohrenschildt heads off Haiti, poor ass, despotic fiefdom that it was, but a fiefdom where several Texas businessmen, up through the early 80's, had very profitable investments. Some of these businessmen had established CIA ties and direct ties to LBJ.
GDM is a really interesting character. He did have contacts in the CIA/FBI (as well as the KGB), and apparently did talk to feds about LHO when he met him through the local Russian groups. When he thought LHO shot at Walker, he let his CIA friends know. They obviously did nothing with the information. GDM was educated, successful, connected, and 28 years older than Lee. The only reasons I can see him enduring Lee's bull**** was that people in the CIA/FBI/KGB told him to keep an eye out on Lee and report back as well as he probably felt sorry for Marina being stuck in America with the loser husband, no money and the kid.
But GDM moves to Haiti in June 63 and doesn't seem to deal with Lee anymore. Not all summer, not after Lee went to CDMX. Not when the parade was planned. I just think GDM was more of a businessman in it for himself and if feeding info to the KGB, CIA, or whoever would help him personally, he was happy to do it. I hope the released documents have more information on him.
All of this stuff is so convoluted that it appears it could not have been orchestrated without a huge effort. Or was it so well orchestrated that it actually worked out? The coincidences and characters and events on the periphery are just hard to fathom.
Again, thank you for the detailed, and supported, information and I am not arguing anything just conveying personal curiosities and doubts.
I'm with you. It is convoluted. But I keep coming back to how Lee got the job (and it wasn't the job he wanted( and how it was Ken ODonnell that planned the parade and it really wasn't finished up or known until the last minute. Those things make a conspiracy insanely difficult imo.
Then you also have the difficulties of dealing someone like Lee. He was known by all parties to be a complete nutter. He had mental health issues dating back to HS (and before) and had attempted suicide in Russia. He shot himself in the Marines. He was not reliable in the least, plus he just wasn't that smart (but sure thought he was.) He flew off the handle easily (assaulting his superior in the Marines, getting fired from jobs, etc.) Then he had no plan after the assassination. Left his gun, went home, shot Tippett and then was caught because he was seen sneaking into a movie instead of just paying for a ticket. Just idiotic and weird.
I've enjoyed all your posts and it was near hearing your experiences in Mexico City. More stuff about our spying there is going to be very very interesting and I think that will be a lot of what we learn in the coming months.