NTSB Chairman Jennifer Homendy leading this press conference.
Brice Banning will be investigator in charge.
The entire NTSB board is at this press conference with J. Todd Inman as the spokesman for the investigation.
Homendy has to remind everyone that the NTSB will not get in the way of the rescue/recovery teams.
Roughly 50 people on this Go Team.
This press conference will not be about facts, but about how the investigation will be conducted. Facts will be released as they are learned and confirmed.
From J. Todd Inman:
The Transportation Board of Canada will be part of the investigation (CRJ is made in Canada) along with personnel from the successor to Bombardier.
The NTSB will meet and brief family members once they all arrive.
They will look at both aircraft, pilots, ATC, airport equipment, human factor/performance (this would be everything from training, sleep, medication, health, etc. of every single person involved), etc.
The FDR and CVR have not be recovered. They will be recovered as soon as possible.
CBS News wanted a cause right now, but the NTSB says they cannot and will not do that. They will take as much time as needed to figure it out.
NBC News asks if Trump's comments are going to hurt in investigation and if it will influence the NTSB's report.
Fox Business asks about the controllers/tower. Inman says they will all be interviewed and their actions analyzed.
If something of massive importance that needs to be fixed ASAP, the NTSB will put out an emergency report on it.
Two more questions about Trump, and again asking if Trump's comments will influence the investigation.
The Blackhawk usually does have its own version of flight data recorders. DOD and NTSB will work on those once recovered.
The FAA has turned over all of the radar and ATC data to the NTSB. Inman says the data in that is far beyond what people are posting online.
Someone asked about the NYT report on the control tower being undermanned. Said they do not go off media reports, but everything is looked into.
The DC medical examiner will put out all information on casualties. That is not the job of the NTSB, but there is no evidence anyone survived the impact.
The helicopter was transiting from one established path to another when the collision happened.
The NTSB will attempt to review data from the cell phones of the passengers if there is evidence it could be useful. They would work with the families if they want access to the data.
Staff, the comments about Trump are not meant to be "political." Just reporting everything from the press conference.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill